
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:47:38
内容:The river is the kind in ___ a boy can bathe.选项:a、thatb、 whichc、 whered、 there选择哪个?为什么. 用所给词适当形式填空.There _____(be) many changes in china since 1987. 苏轼、苏辙谁年龄大 苏辙与苏轼 苏轼、苏辙是双胞胎? Lucy plays ( ) piano well, and her sister plays ( ) volleyball well.1. a;the 2.the;the 3./;the 4.the;/请问选择哪一个?谢谢! some fish 为什么不是fishes?什么情况用到fishes? 苏轼,苏辙,苏洵的介绍,轶事 the boy is swiming in the rive这个英语句子有毛病吗?重点:我想问一下是on the river还是in the river 三个月内怎样卓有成效的提高英语听力呢不要求听明白句子意思,而是要求句子里的单词能够听出来. Harry Potter has _____sold more than 30million books 这里为什么不能用been 苏洵、苏轼、苏辙(人物关系) 苏轼,苏东坡,苏辙,苏小妹什么关系 【快速抢答】三苏的关系(苏洵苏轼苏辙)偶只取第一个回答正确的目的:其实就是帮大家征分的大家要是觉得可行就加入偶提问字头加上【快速抢答】即可 苏轼、苏辙、苏洵是什么关系 苏轼和苏辙关系怎样好?有什么事说明?Tongshang 请问这个“乑”的读音是什么?用五笔怎么打. He likes to eat ice-cream.变为否定句 BAGS是什么意思 The makers have_____some cars with dangerous faults,or the ruputation will be damaged.A.called offB.called upC.called forD.called in但是意思好像是来访, crossbody-bags是什么意思 reusable e-bags 什么意思? no bags There is a river in front of my village的意思 We have visited many places of i_____ such as the great wall .(填空) We visited many places of interest,_ the Eiffel Tower and the Big Ben.A.includedB.includingC.includes We had a great trip.we visited many places of interest.怎么回答Where did you go during the winter holiday?, 英语翻译He said it was_________ ________ _______there。 he is very creative,because he could have 1903 inventions from 1868 to 1931.He is a talented inve 问一首英文歌曲名字.歌曲大概是i hear you are be to the be. 用whether,or,造句首先说明一个观点,然后举例证明这个观点形式如下:观点-----whether+例子,or+例子,or+例子