
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 01:58:47
少儿英语辅导哪里好啊 what -------you--------(bring)fur your mother just now?帮忙填一下,谢谢! 重庆少儿英语辅导哪里好 请问南京少儿英语辅导哪家比较好啊最好是有学过的家长推荐一下,广告的就不要贴了, 少儿英语辅导哪些是大家比较认可的呢?大家认可的应该比较好吧 ( ) came to the party last night? 游重庆科技馆的观后感就是重庆大剧院的旁边那个科技馆, Brian ________ many famous places since he came to live in Shanghai last year.A:has visited B:will visit C:was visiting D:had visited请详述理由, Who did he _____ to about their school life just now?A.say B.talk C.speak D.tell 再也按捺不住了,急匆匆的成语2 谁能帮我写一首关于《枸杞人生>的诗句! 【改错】Before you came to teach us English at last term.这句话为什么要去掉at? Mr.Victor came to our classroom to have a talk with us last week.谓语哪个? 像流水一样流个不停 用一个成语来描述 形容不停的写的成语( )要含“手”这个字 有没有什么什么不停的成语? 有一个成语叫一(什么不停 有没有可能只打雷不闪电,然后下雨 he didn't know how he can get to the museum改为简单句I have never read ____ _____ ______ _______(如此有趣的故事). 经过很长的时间还不停止,指掌声等非常热烈(成语) 长时间不停止.多用来形容掌声、情感等.这是什么成语意思 He doesn't know how he_____improve his English. A.must B.has to C.can D.maybe My father is a worker.My mother is a worker,too.__________my father _________my mother are workers I like the book which has something to do with English.翻译 英语翻译我愿与你久伴 怎么翻译成英语呀?I would like to with you for a long time 这个的话好像不大对麻烦各位看一下 为什么光闪电不打雷外面好大的闪电,但是没雷,为什么啊.注意啊是闪电在天边一拉而过,很长,但是没雷声啊? 光闪电不打雷是怎么回事? 下雨时,为什么光打雷,不闪电? 闪电和打雷的原理是什么 光打闪不打雷的原因是什么 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 1.The boy was riding a bike when a fast car hit him s_____.2.While we were making our way to school,the w_____was blowing strongly.3.Could you please close that w____,Mary?It's raining outside.4.Our class we —would you like me to get together with you?A.Please do.B.i'd like to. could you chat with