
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/15 04:18:15
Tony usually ()a birthday card.填什麼? ___ (我们为什么不)have a party to celebrate his birthday? the poem was written by Li Bai 这一句怎么改写成被动语态 用英语问别人的职业可不可以用what is Lily`s job? 对外国文学、哲学等著作,那个出版社的翻译的比较好! 中国最好的外国文学翻译家有哪几位 What's the matter with Lily?She has ________A.won the first prizeB.lost her best watchC.found a good jobD.moved into a new flat说出来理由 Chinese educators should first make children curious_they want to solve the educational problems A.if B.unless C.though D. that 1.children should make ____(room)for old people in a bus. 憋士特 英语发音 求大神给英语单词 请问哪个词语是形容旅途奔波,忙碌劳累的呢? 谁有好用的英汉翻译器 最好是离线的 谁能提供一些形容“忙碌”的美词美句? what about----to the shop.---上填什么? What about ___(go)____(shop)? 27.--- Lily did badly in the 400-meter race.What about you?--- I did _______.A.rather bad B.more badly C.even badly D.much worse If 引导的条件状语从句用some系列还是用any系列不定代词? if领导的条件状语从句用any不用some? 宾语从句中如果引导词是if 那么后面的some 是不是应该改成any啊?例句Do you know if I can get ( ) books 名人传谁译的好是傅雷翻译的好还是谁翻译的比较好? 35.What about going______(run)?动词正确形式填空 if 引导的条件状语从句总是用any? 英语翻译罗曼罗兰写的它的英文名是啥~ 比喻关系十分拥挤或围得密密层层的 在条件状语从句中,表示一些用some还是any?有没有死规定必须用any?书上有道题目:if you have questions,you can ask your teacher for help.Asome Bany Ceither Devery 老师说选B Children should r_____old people.和No I________是l if 引导的条件状语从句否定句用some还是any 呢If someone doesn't know ______,you should show him or her the truth.A something B anything这题是A还是B呢,为什么而标答是A,是不是表示某人不知道某事的意思 用所给动词的正确形式填空 What about _____(run) with us now?Who ______(go) to school with you every 找人民教育出版社的《名人传》的在线阅读地址.急啊看清楚是人民教育出版社... i really appreciate _____ to help me,but i am sure that i will be able to manage by to offerB.your offeringC.that you offerD.that you are offering选哪个?为什么? 问下英语问题?城市名字?北京BEIJING 上海SHANGHAI 天津TIANJIN香港澳门为什么不是叫XIANG GANG ?为什么东京叫TOKYO,而不是DONGJING好像外国的都市都不是拼音代替的?我以前以为华盛顿 就是HUA SHENG DUN 1937年8月28日作文怎么写(300字)