
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 23:56:46
一首英文歌,一句歌词是“you just 什么什么 my dream,so beautiful.”只听清了这一句“you just 什么什么 my dream,so beautiful.”还有什么my life,不知道是什么歌,男的唱的 一个英文单词的汉语读法是素我尼尔,请问这个单词是? The heavy snow stopped the train___ on time.A.arrive B.arriving C.arried D.arrives填什么?顺便翻译一下 英语达人的麻烦帮我一下.求……( )My brother ------------TV very much.A.like English B.likes watch C,likes watching D.watches 英语翻译5.Economic incentive for advertisingIf managers of stock-based acquiring firms have an incentive to increase advertisingintensity in pre-merger announcement years then one would expect that advertisingintensity in that year is posit 英语达人麻烦帮看下有什么错误没有,帮修改下,Shortly before,I have made a group presentation with my friends.This is my first year in UK and first presentation in the university.So we chose a topic what is the benefits and the disadv 在松江学英语哪里比较好 具体介绍下听说老城区那边也有一家 在松江的小孩子想学英语应该去哪里? 英语达人,帮忙修改下.Why did you choose our university?Firstly,shanghai is one of the chinese cities with a large concentration of universities,and I wannor to be a professional management manager in the future in this city.Secondly, XX unive 英语翻译 跪求人教版小学英语六年级下册第一单元课文.只要7、8、9页的, 2013年4月20日,雅安发生7.0级地震,某地需550顶帐蓬解决受灾群众临时住宿问题,现由甲,乙两额 2013年4月20日四川雅安地区发生强烈地震,急需大量震灾帐篷.某帐篷生产企业接到任务后,加大生产投入,提高生产效率,实际每天生产帐篷比原计划多200顶,现在生产3000顶帐篷所用的时间与原计 2013年4月20日四川雅安发生了7.0级地震.在抗震救灾活动中,重庆某厂接到一份订单,要求生产7200顶帐篷支援四川灾区,后来由于情况紧急,接收到上级指示,要求生产总量比原计划增加20%,且必须 英语翻译One must have chaos in one’s soul to give birth to a dancing star.Out of life's school of war:What does not destroy me,makes me stronger. “从来一直没有停止深化学习进步”请问英语怎么翻译这句话啊?最好翻译得有品位有哲理有深意点. What time does the train arrive? 为什么句子中用arrive? What time does the train leave/ ---_What time does the train leave/ ---_____ what time does the train leave?a on tuesdayb in the morningc at half past five I will go to Shanghai by train .Please ( ) what time the train will arrive.A,count B,choose C,check D,catch 请顺便把句子意思附上,急用! 英语达人帮忙翻译下Notice though, that algorithms operate through iterators directly on the values, not affecting in any way the structure of any possible container .关键是那个notice though的翻译, 那是什么用法? What time do you arrive _______Shanghai?At ten o'clock.A at B in Cfrom D to 改错1.The train from Shanghai will arrive here in time 2.She said nearly nothing 求英语达人~怎样表述曾再哪里当仍什么工作(职位)? 求助英语达人当我在北京期间,你可以去看我.You can come there to see me when I am during Beijing.时态、语法方面有什么问题?请用during一词.那这样说可以不?有错误没,You can come to see me during the period w 英语达人帮帮忙…麻烦路过的友友…帮我把“诗美居”按读音译成英文的…不胜感激! do,we,the,how,go,on,train,foot,station,to(?)(.)连词成句怎么写? When he got to the station,the train ______ for a long time.A.had been awayB.had leftC.has been awayD.has left选择原因? train you the how to do go station(?)连词成句答案 The train coming from London reached the station on time中文意思? this,ran,we,station,morning,the,train,to,连词成句. memories of you