
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 08:14:30
水稻普遍出现白叶枯病和细菌性条斑病,用什么农药防治比较好? We would be grateful if you could help us怎么样翻译 I would be much grateful if you could help me seek out a girl第一问:为什么从句用could 主句用would be 第二问:是表与过去将来事实相反的虚拟语气吗 I would be much grateful if you could help me seek out a girl 这句话为什么是would be而不是 will be Look at the ( ) on the clothes line ()处填什么? the shop sells many clothes( )red,white,black and so on.填什么介词? Please read the notes _____ different clothes shops.(填个适当的介词) 煤粉仓为什么要定期降粉? 煤粉仓外层为什么要包保温 设计一个装煤粉的仓,要装30-40吨煤粉,考虑煤粉的流动角度,需要圆仓规格要多大的. 为什么煤粉仓粉位不应低于某一值? 象中亚的乌兹别克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、土库曼斯坦、哈萨克斯坦这些国家居民是黄种人还是白种人?或者是混杂两种 提取液用无水硫酸钠脱水后,请问如何去除絮状沉淀 反义词:新鲜一( ) 寸草不生一( ) 鸦雀无声一反义词:新鲜一( )寸草不生一( )鸦雀无声一( )黑沉沉一( ) 寸草不生的反义词是什么?到底的近义词是什么? 畏怯,望而生畏,寸草不生的反义词如题 there is a new bar in our town with the name "the white horse".it is mr.websthere is a new bar in our town with the name "the white horse".it is mr.webster's.few people went to the bar last year but things are quite different now.there was a picture 城市化过程中带来的问题,至少三条 农民工进城给城市化带来的问题农村剩余劳动力大量涌入城市,一方面促进了城市化进程,但一方面也给城市带来了一系列的问题,请问都有哪些方面的问题?这些问题又该如何的解决? 学们在做NaOH溶液与CuCl2溶液反应、Na2SO4溶液与BaCl2溶液反应实验结束时,将废液倒入一空烧杯中,最终烧杯中物质呈蓝色浑浊.同学们决定对烧杯中的物质进行探究,于是将烧杯中物质进行过滤,发 混有Na2SO4的NaOH溶液中,加入适量的BaCl2混有Na2SO4的NaOH溶液中,加入适量的BaCl2,过滤后是否得到纯净的NaOH溶液? 怎么判断一种含H的盐是酸式盐还是正盐? 与中国相邻的南亚国家有哪几个 与我国相邻的南亚国家有哪些?3Q 城市化的好处 城市化带来的好处 城市化有哪些优点?帮帮忙! 盐中不属于酸式盐又不属于碱式盐就一定是正盐吗? 英语翻译ODL Securities Ltd 英国地址.Postal address:ODL Securities Ltd The Northern & Shell Building 10 Lower Thames Street London EC3R 6AD United KingdomFrom anywhere:Switchboard:Main Fax:+44 20 7903 6100 +44 20 7903 6222 He wants to work in Tibet after graduation.The idea grows_____the days passing on.A with B as C while D during He decided to work in the west part of China after graduation.的同义句He_____ _____ ______ to work in west part of China after ______ _______ college. 1.After graduation, he went on to do some research ever carried out 中ever 是什么意思2.Most people are not yet aware that water is a precious resource 是宾语从句吗 aware后不需要加of 吗