
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/16 19:52:36
鲁迅得到那么多人的爱戴,你有什么感想 Each of the students in theschool works hard at his lessons,_____to go to univerisity some day.A to hope B hopes C hoping D hoped------上面答案写的是hoping 为什么啊 是做伴随状语的原因吗? Each of the students,working hard at his or her lessons,hopes to go to college 在这句话中为什么要Each of the students,working hard at his or her lessons,hopes to go to college 在这句话中为什么要使用两个逗号呀?把两个逗号 each of the students,working hard at their lessons,______ the book.A.is readingB.has readC.readingD.reads为甚麼选B不选D? Every student works very hard at his or her lessons,------to go to university some dayA to hope B hopes c hoped D hoping 英语学霸快来 英语学霸快来啊. 拜求有关于宫崎骏(和他的动画)的英文简介~要是那种比较简单的,有概括性的.各位英文达人们~最好再附加几首动画中经典的歌曲名~ Look at my family t()jijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijiji Look at the___ ___my family There is no snow on the flowers,on the wall or in the street in the street和on the street的区别,要例句 on phone with the Wall Street Jounal report. 描写0 0.江西修水宁红大桥:要是描写的!包括长度、宽度、拱、形状!等要多!600字!作文! 我今年6月的英语四级裸考考了366,听力106,阅读160,综合33,写作67.求大师们学霸们指导,需要提高什么 四级总成绩408听力144阅读127综合41写作96,原始分分别是多少?应该从哪些方便进行突破? 用my family写一段话 “爱死你了”的英文翻译 “老公好棒哦!我爱死你了”用英语怎么说? ”爱死你”英语怎么说一直不知道这个口语化的表达怎么说承蒙各位关照 哈哈,爱死你了我爱你,爱着你 一个人对你说:我爱死你了嘛,怎么办? The Great Wall is an old building in______.用适合的单词填空 短文填空 Yancheng is a city in the n____ of jiangsu.many endangered birds in the futIt's famous for its wetlands.The biggest wetland there has an a____ of more than 450,000 hectares.It's a perfect s____ for many endangered birds.There are 590 kin She would like to help me,___ she can't选项为:but 和although.哪个为正确答案?为什么? 有一首歌曲歌词是 ,这是一个晴朗的早晨,歌哨声伴着起床号音,但是这世界并不安宁和平年代也由激荡地风云请问这首歌的名字叫什么 是军歌 (老公!我真得很爱你,直到死去!)用英语怎么说?因为我爱我老公 但是我们吵架了. 学英语的秘诀? 如果不能改变自己,就改变整个世界, 如今世界不太平,某个角落依然有硝烟.请你给联合国写一封信,表达一下自己对和平安宁的渴望.作文.很急 世界上哪里最安宁?试问,世界上还有安宁之所? 英语翻译这本书在考研过程中要怎么用啊?例句要背过吗?课后练习题呢?