
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 21:34:47
英语翻译我在 04/01/2013 下了一个订单,你们许诺会在17/01/2013前到达的,但是时间过去了我却没有收到,请问该怎么办呢? 英语翻译2.6 Abatement of recalcitrant organics in the pharmaceutical wastewaterWim the exception of fluorine which has an elec.trochemical oxidation potential (EOP)of 3.O6 V,hydroxyl flee radicals generated by Fenton’s reactionare the most 英语翻译My sweetheart has no limit.As far as you keep saying you love me.As far as you will never leave me.As far as we can be together forever.. 英语翻译I've looked in old friendsI've looked in new carsI've looked in spotlightsAnd,I've looked in my heartI've tried to live rightWork hard and act toughBut none of theseReally fill me upNothing can ever satisfyNothing can make me feel aliveLi You should ______ ______ ______(直接回家) after school every day 教诲的近义词可以是教育吗?有没有另外的答案?如题 We have an umbrella.该否定句 (近义词)教诲对什么? 教诲的近义词是 教诲近义词, 英语翻译尊敬的评委.女士们先生们,你们好.我很荣幸能站在这里参加这次演讲· 今天我要演讲的主题是选择·· 我们都知道·人的一生需要经历数不清的选择,然而鱼和熊掌不能兼得使得我们 有个淘宝店铺卖鞋子,一律1元.但是只卖给有缘人,问他这样回答:“我讲的只是自己所感触到的缘.真正还是在于此话真正的有缘人,永远不会买我的鞋子真正的有缘人,必定会得到我的一双鞋子 洋务派掀起洋务运动的目的是什么? mojito怎么读? We'll have dinner at Qingxilong Restaurant ,which is famous its seafood.A.of B.to C.for D.as which place is better to have a dinner?home or restaurant要用比较级 和最高级回答 十年后我们将成为吉他手 用英语怎么说? 我们的乐队需要一个吉他手英文 祝愿的反义词 祝愿和幸福最准确的反义词 力学的 希望今晚能给我解答如图所示,质量均为m的A、B两物体,用劲度系数为k的轻质弹簧相连,A被手用外力F提在空中静止,B离地面高度为h.放手后,A、B下落,且B与地面碰撞后不反弹,则当弹簧的 祝的反义词是什么 a familiar feeling是什么意思 请问 feeling question是什么意思 祝福的反义词 祝福_____反义词什么 we are all pleased with the people and the place __ we visitedwhowhichwherethat we are pleased with the pleasantschool trip 什么意思 We are so pleased with the progress that she has___in her researches in recent daysA.madeB.respectedC.keptD.graded 现在完成时的几个问题句式为have++过去分词为什么说他死了要用he has been die而不用he has died?还有,有一个句式是he has already finished his homework,可不可以把already置后? 现在完成时几个问题1.Do you want to go to see Harry Pother with me I______already____(see) the film.I____(see) it last week.2._____he______(finish)his work today?-----Not yet.3.How long have you worked here?I______(work)here since I______(mov 现在完成时中的几个问题1.点动词做谓语动词能用于现在完成时吗?2.点动词谓语动词的否定形式能用于现在完成时吗?