
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 05:40:37
有没有比滕王阁序还帅的文章? “Advance ,Advance bravely! ”和“Love is sometimes true, sometimes illusory.”这两句话是什么意思 the moon shines with () light为什么是reflected不是reflecting 可不可以说with the light close?I went to bed with the light open.那可不可以说with the light close 呢,还是应该用closed? 一键ghost的英语是什么意思? 求不定积分,最好是用笔写,过程详细 通报和通告共同具有的特点是 ( ) 下面是某饭店的告示语,请分析其中的妙处饭菜好请告诉别人,饭菜不好请告诉我们 求不定积分 写出来 求不定积分(写过程)∫ xInx dx take the initiative是什么意思 Why do I always take the initiative . take initiative是什么意思 that i take the initiative.in your eyes.是啥意思啊? 口语交际, 走,我们去春游 (口语交际)谁可以告诉我啊! 到高一英语零基础该怎么读 高一英语零基础怎么才能补回来?只有英语这一科不行,月考考了17分,全是蒙的选择题,在班里的名次12名左右,想开始补,也自己试过背单词和句子,但我背过一个单词别人都背完十个了,一点词汇 i cant see your photos inside your zone you' re my destiny you're my everything you'you' re my destiny you're my everything you're the one my love you're my delight of all If you still do not feel well-----getting up, I think you ------ to go to see a doctor.---中怎么添 求一首歌,其中歌词有:i need a doctor to see she,making feel alive、check well well,what you gonna say,i like you win.前面的也没听到,能听清楚的就这些了.不是eminem的,3月17日,在乌鲁木齐myFM103.9听到的,17:06一首 为什么魏王攻打邯郸是南辕北辙? Can I speak to your father翻译 Where is your office located, Eric?A. the Fifth Avenue B. the fifth avenue C. the five avenue D. Fifth Avenue答案为什么是C? 仿照例句填写相应的诗句举例:最高的楼——危楼高百尺,手可摘星辰.最深厚的友谊——_________________________最顽强的生命——_________________________ he said to me 还是he said me?他对我说用英语 可以这样说吗? 仿照例句写句子示例:气球第一种眼光:你的信念,是不断追求更高的目标第二种眼光:吹得越大,越接近毁灭的边缘备选的事物:风筝,仙人掌,竹子,筷子 When I was____ _____a trip,he said to me"____ _____ ______ _____"填空 意思为当我要去旅行时,他祝我一路顺风When we stayed in Xi’an,we ____ _____ _____ _____.玩得很痛快 they are ( )old workers between the ages of 50and 60.a.most b.almost c.mostly d.at most every player of the team was frustrated at the frustrating result.如何翻译? 新东方基础词汇4000速记班我是个职中生 之前上个新概念2册 但是到后面有小小吃力 多数是因为单词不会 自己本身记忆力差 懒 .现在想学寒假学基础词汇4000速记班,希望上过这类班的人告诉