
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 08:46:39
It takes him half an hour to practise playing basketball every day 改为同义句He ( )half an hour ( )playing basketball every day He spends half an hour playing basketball every day同义句转换:He __half an hour__ basketball every day.快, 英语句子一般有哪几种句式,宾语从句用法 《班级宠物一家亲》的800字读后感怎么写? 班级宠物一家亲 读后感400字 帮忙用英文翻译 山东省淄博市周村区米山路30号 山东省淄博市周村区教育局电话谁知道周村区教育局的电话 淄博市,周村区用英文咋表示 求“淄博市周村区周隆路7001号院内东侧”的英文翻译,急, 我写了一段英文,大家帮我看看有没有语法和用法上的错误呗!Finally,I did these things,on the one hand is to develop your own skills,On the other hand is that you can contribute to society.Do not complain,I do everything good for 朱自清《歌声》5.朱自清认为"作文便是以文字作画",他笔下的音乐也是一幅画.请在文中画出你认为最美的句子,然后说说它的美在哪里? 淄博坐落于山东中部 用英语怎么说? 山东省淄博市博山区南博山镇张家台村用英语怎么说? 英语翻译 请帮我找出写了汉语这一段英语中的语法,并讲解, near等于next to吗 人生哲理的小故事,200字的 人生哲理故事200字? 清风纸巾总公司在哪 what is go wrong还是what is going wrong? 繁星春水告诉我们什么道理?一个或两个小故事的道理,不要母爱的,类似于:浪花愈大,凝立的盘石在沉默的持守里,快乐也愈大了. 15.-- Hi!Where you are going!-- What's wrong?15.-- Hi!Where you are going!-- What's wrong?--The road repairs _______.A.haven't completed B.weren't completedC.haven't been completed D.didn't complete 繁星春水蕴含什么哲理 they didn't do -----the teacher told them.A.like B.as that C .as D .be like Tom told me he didn't like this move at all Tom told me he ____ like this move ___ ___ ___ i didn’t like that~ You told me(that)you didn't have a boyfriend. 这里的that可以省略吗?为什么? 大家都用什么牌子的纸巾呀?维达?还是清风? 英语翻译RT what the fulks going on 这个怎么翻译成中文? 将来时态和过去式态的标志词有哪些?我只知道---- 前者有be going to. 将来时态:be going to 后面的词需加ing吗?