
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 12:55:24
已知直线l经过点M(4,-2),且平行于直线2x+y_1=0,求直线l的方程. 已知直线L经过点M(2,-2)且与直线y=1/2x平行求直线L的方程? 已知直线l经过点M(2,-2),求:(1)与已知直线y=1/2x+1平行的直线l方程(2)与已知直线2x+y-1垂直的直线l方程 已知P(1,1)和直线2X+Y-4=0.(1)求直线M过点P且L平行于M的方程(2)若直线N过点P,且L垂直于N,求直线N的方程 What do people usually do on Easter?一句话~用英语一句话回答这个问题,人们在复活节干什么 In everyday s___ ,people usually say "hello" to each other. “外贸企业”用英文怎么说另外美式英语作文格式是什么? 老师三只足球和4个排球,用去410元,如果买6只足球和2只排球,则需520元.足球和篮球各多少元?要简单算式.不要解方程的! Yesterday Kitty went ____her grandmother.(see)用所给词的适当形式填空 kate went to see me yesterday.对yesterday 提问 Yesterday my family went to Nanchang because of my grandmother求高中英语改错 my son pretended___when i came back A to sleep D to be sleeping when my mom came in,i pretend A.to be reading B.to be read不好意思。打错。B选项是to read ..为什么要加BEING啊? 运用JAVA中大数类实现大数的四则运算使用JAVA中自带的大数类,实现无线长度整数的加减乘除运算. the boy pretended ( )when his mother entered.括号中为什么填 to be reading She pretended______ a book when the teacher came in.A to read B to be reading. He pretended to be reading a book 中为什么用be reading people in the west make_ a rule to buy christmas presents for their relatives and friends .people in the west make it a rule to buy christmas presents for their relatives and friends .此处为何用it people in the west make it a rule to buy christmas presents for their relatives and friends .这句话的中文意思是什么? Christmas is a vey busy time for eveyone.People send cards to their relatives and friends.Theymake their houses pretty.People also buy presents for everyone in the family.They put them under the tree In many c______,Christmas is one of the most impo 设函数f(x)=x+2(x 设函数f(x)满足f(x-1)=2x-5,求f(x平方) 设函数y=2X平方+X+30,求f’(1).f’(2),f'(0) He pretended ______ watch TV when I came in.A.not B.not to C.don't D.to not选哪个?请说明一下下... 玛丽的生日聚会很有趣的英文怎么写 The men in the office are our maths teachers划线提问 划在the office Our teachers are having a m___in the teachers' office. 给MARY写一封信,邀请她参加我星期六晚上七点钟的生日晚会 假如你是Mary,明天是你的生日,你在家里举行一个聚会,你需要一些帮助,请你给Lily发电子邮件,你希望他来帮你打扫房间,顺便在来的路上买一些面包,水果,四瓶啤酒,来时你付钱给他要求1:说明 能帮我想个和.锤子(普通话)发音相似的英文单词吗? 英语单词 after 麻烦用汉语标一下,我不会拼的. “abandon”这个英语单词怎么读?麻烦用汉语标一下,我不会认音标.