
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 16:52:59
()everybody is here ,let's begin the meeting为什么不甜now 或because as要填since 用所给词适当形式填空.Eveybody ____ (be) here now.Let's begin our meeting. 求底面边长为2Cm,高为1Cm 的正三角形梭椎的全面积? Middle schools in China are (混合的).Boys and girls usually study in the same class Boys s___ eat fruit but girls usually have much.填什么 德语怎么区分阳性,阴性,中性?在德语中,怎么样区分这三性?名词通常带有冠词,阴,阳,中三性的定冠词分别是der,die,das.但是不带冠词的时候又怎么判断?麻烦以下面词汇解释说明:ein Buch 变为定 如图,长方体的底面边长分别为2cm,1cm,高为6cm (1)如果用一根细绳从点A开始经过4个侧面缠绕一圈到达B点,那么用的细绳最短需要 cm(2)如果从点A开始经过4个侧面绕3圈到达点B,那么所用的细绳 It is most probable that he will be here at our school this Saturday=He ___ ___ ___ be here …… 如图,长方体的底面边长分别为2CM,1CM,高为6cm如图,长方体的底面边长分别为2cm,1cm,高为6cm 1)如果用一根细绳从点A开始经过4个侧面缠绕一圈到达B点,那么用的细绳最短需要 cm2)如果从点A开始经 There is aNO.2and aNO.8bus;() will take you there.A:all B:every C:either D:any 什么叫无意识记忆? I asked Tom,"Is rice the most popular food in your country" 改为宾语从句怎么改 求大神指教 popular,food,is ,your ,most ,the,rice ,country ,in 连词成句 圆柱的底面直径为1CM,高为5CM求表面积和体积 已知圆柱半径为1cm,现沿直径垂直于底面将圆柱切成2半,它的表面积会发生什么变化(增加还是减少)?具体变化了多少? 一个圆柱底面半径和高都是1cm,它的侧面积是多少,表面积是多少? He _____ to the lab than he set out to do the experimentA.has no sooner got B.no sooner got C.will no sooner get D.has no sooner gotD.had no sooner got 刚才打错了谢谢 选哪个,说明原因谢谢.尤其是A.B较模糊谢-- Which room shall we live in tonight?–In __________.A.the Room 406 B.Room 406 C.the 406 Room D.406 Room但是答案怎么是B He asked me _________ during the summer holidays A.when i had been B.where i had gone 这两个题怎么选,1.The business of each day,_____ selling goods or shipping them,went quite smoothly.A it being B be it C was it D it was2.To be frank,i'd rather you____ anything about it for the time being.A do B don't do C did D didn't do Mr.Smith asked her,"Are you interested in playing tennis?"改为间接引语怎么改 He is interested in football is interested in 是谓语吗 football 花间一壶酒,独酌无相亲.举杯邀明月,对影成三人.这首诗作者是谁? The boy is very stubborn and I don't think he will a___your advice think,have,robots,own,you,do,you,will,your(连词成句) 已知椭圆的短轴的两个端点B1 B2 与它的两个焦点F1 F2连成的四边形B1 F1 B2 F2 是正方形,则椭圆的离心率的 Follow the doctor's advice.Your cough will be worse.(用适当的连词连接2句句子) 已知椭圆短轴上的两个顶点分别是B1、B2,焦点为F1、F2,若四边形B1F1B2F2是正方形,则这个椭圆离心率e=( )A 根号2/2B 1/2C 根号3/2D以上都不是 速求 已知椭圆C的两个焦点为F1(-3,0)F2(3,0) 点B1,B2,是短轴的两个端点,△F1B1B2是等边三角形1 求椭圆C的方程2 过F1且与坐标轴不平行的主线l且与椭圆C相交于M.N两点,设直线l的斜率为k,若∠MON 如图,椭圆的中心在坐标原点o,定点分别是A1,A2,B1,B2.焦点为F1,F2,延长B1F2与A2B2交予P点,若角B1PA2为钝角,则此时椭圆的离心率取值范围为? 第六题选什么啊 为什么? 花间一壶酒,独酌无相亲.举杯邀明月,对影成三人.月既不解饮,影徒随我身