
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 04:05:07
新概念2后面的内容主要讲什么语法,还有新概念三? 新概念三的语法考点是? 英语基础不好的想上新东方~选择四级班~新概念班还是上听说读写班好呢~我下学期要考四级了我是大一的~英语基础很烂 黄河和长江是中华民族的母亲河,而各文明的发展也多与大河与大海相关联,举出世界几大文明古国生成繁衍所依存的河流或海域 It's a___that he has passed the exam 根据中文意思和英文提示词,写出意思连贯,符合逻辑的英文文段.所给的英文提示次必须都用.帮李明是个好学生.两年前他开始学习英语.那时他认为英语难,于是他去向老师请教,老师是如何指 It is ( )惊讶that he has passed the exam. Nowadays,an increasing number of Chinese people are fond of celebrating some Western festivals.then only 5 years later,it nearly increased to 40,000.请解释下increasing 作什么用?分词结构?第二句increased Those writers need a lot of time _______ (write)every night .Fish can't live if there is no water .(改为同义句)Fish can't live_______ water . Nowadays,there is an increasing number of people having online education.其中having可以改成哪个动词更合适一点啊? those need lots of energy_______.(dance) Those___need lots of enery___.(dance) how long( ) the students in class 1( )every night?(sleep) those ( )need lots of energy ( )dance第二题是这样的those( )need lots of energy ( )。 (dance) 托尼建议我多读书.怎么用英语翻译? It _____ (say) that Amy has passed the exam It seemed that the boy passed the exam.(同义句转换) The boy____ ____ ____ the exam.快 It seems that he failed the exam这句话对吗 为什么把长江、黄河称为中华民族的母亲河?急. David is f____ today.You can ask him to go with tou. 为什么黄河被称为中华民族的母亲河 --Henry promised to come to see you today.--But he ____.I have been alone.A.hasn't B doesn't C didn't D .hadn't 为什么说长江、黄河是中华民族的母亲河 Selina、Hebe、Ella中文意思分别是什么 anne april yolanda daisy selina的汉语意思是啥先说英文 再说汉语意思 selina的中文意思是月亮还是月光? Betty is very ----[help].she is ready ----[help] people any time虚线上写help形式为什么 There wasn't a single person in the dark street at that time____she could turn to for help.A.whom B.to whom she would study with the help of a tutor_____ she had timea wherever b wahtever c whoeverd whenever个人认为是D. 根据意思写词语:稀少而新奇,使人觉得怪异. (思想.言行)错误到使人觉得奇怪的程度 词语 (思想、言行)错误到使人觉的奇怪的程度 打一词语 She said that she would come if she could,but not to wait for her.这个句子哪错了?怎么改?