
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/09 01:53:18
关于英语EG的用法为什么举例时要用eg 是缩写吗 那全拼是什么 关于阖家欢乐气氛的古诗过年的气氛十分融洽,真是__________________.填一首古诗 This machine we use today are much better than ( ) we used ten years ago.A.those B.them同上,为什么选B不选A?还有一题,I hope you'll find this valley a beautiful place ( ) you may spend your weekend.A.which B.where为什么选A不选B?那我 Today we have many machines in our home.The machines can do wonderful things for us 翻释 血山.一个字的解释.快( ⊙ o ⊙ 王,帝第五子元杰也.尝于邸中为假山,费数百万,既成,召僚属置酒,众皆褒美,坦独俯首.王强使视之,坦曰:“但见血山,安得假山.”王惊问故,坦曰:“坦在田舍时, Kate worked so hard that she passed the Chinese exam.改为同义句 she writes the words very____,so the speed is very ___.a.careful,slowb.careful,slowlyc.carefully,slowd.carefully,slowly She can——words very qucikly.remember.memorize.memory.memorizing She can______words very quickly. remember . memorize. memory. memorizing As long as you at my side,it would be sufficient是什么意思 I don't know what you are saying?The more don't know what you are saying!Would you please say som could you follow what i say为什么用what the workers received the order that the project (should be completed)before tomorrow.为什么不能填would complete It is suggested that the project _______ (carry ) out by the end of this year In order to complete this project, it is necessary that you find a program capable of generating the RGB component images for a given jpg color image. For example, MATLAB's Image Processing Toolbox can do this, but you can also do it with image edit project order何意? porridge和cereal有什么区别 schwarzbrot whole grain bread来源于那个国家. 高一 英语 1 请详细解答,谢谢! (28 21:20:47)There is great deal of oxygen around,-----we couldn't  live.A.we don't have it      B.without itC.without that          For DVD-T and new project MD-2720,it is still under consummating.When it is completed,we’ll inform you immediately _______we can go for a trip this weekend is still unknown.答案是Where,但为什么不能用whether呢?求详解! 请问英文的“eg”是什么意思经常在英文辅导书上看到举的例句前有"eg", eg:有英语的 意思如何写英语周记 为什么有的英语解释后会加上一个"eg:"eg: bean wheat corn这种可数的吗感觉好似beans wheats什么的好顺口哦 请确定答案的才回答 Mary_____school very early.A.arrived B.got C.reach D.got to 选什么,为什么? 单选 yesterday,Jim ___ school very late.A got to B arrived in C arrived at D reached to 最近要去埃塞俄比亚工作,需要备什么东西我公司承接的是中建8局里的部分,想请问现在埃塞俄比亚的气温怎样?需要带些什么东西?特别注意什么,到那里会不会有严重水土不服的现象? shoulder straight the t___of calss four go to school very early,but they d__have classes.theirteachers will t____ them to the zoothe s___of calss four go to school very early 英语翻译学讴于秦青,未穷青之技,自谓尽之,遂辞归.秦青弗止,饯于郊衢,抚节悲歌,声振林木,响遏行云.薛谭乃谢求反,终身不敢言归.急用! 列子 汤问 译文伯牙善鼓琴,钟子期善听.伯牙鼓琴,志在登高山.钟子期曰:“善哉!峨峨兮若泰山!”志在流水,钟子期曰:“善哉洋洋兮若江河!”伯牙所念,钟子期必得之.伯牙游于泰山之阴,卒逢