
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 05:39:06
大家过得很愉快用英语怎么说 我们过得很愉快,用英语怎么说 什么动物四只眼四条腿两个鼻子三个嘴 有一种动物:五只眼,一只鼻,一个嘴,六只手,十八只脚.请问是什么动物呢? May I ask you some questions?否定怎么回答 我还是一个人哭,一个人笑,一个人走,一个人的生活习惯了 May I ask you some questions?做肯定回答 “习惯了一个人的生活,我期待一个人能给我快乐"是哪首歌里的 our teacher has some good news( tell) you 小学英语阅读分析man people like to watch tv.do you want to know something new?well,just turn on the tv.turn it on (1)watch,you can see a lot.of course people can (2)learn through reading or (3)the radio.but from tv they can learn(4)and more e 小学英语阅读分析6 george is a young man.he has a very big dog and a very small car.he likes playing tennis.last monday he played tennis for an hour and then be ran out and jumpped into an open car.his dog came after him,but it did not jump in 小学英语阅读分析7 shanghai is the biggest city in china,and one of the biggest cities in the world.it is in the east of china.there are many tall buildings is shanghai as well,and the traffic is always very busy.we can travel around by bus,m 什么动物有大象的鼻子山羊的胡须老虎的前额牛的角狮子的身体生活在沼泽喜欢阴暗潮湿 The fruit does not taste good.为什么是taste 老虎、鲨鱼、狮子、大象、鹫鹰哪种动物与其他动物不同需要理由的大哥 比如那个 橡皮擦 班级里要进行环境布置,应贴上什么名言或对联,为什么 怎么画健康向上积极的图画 我是初中新生、老师要求的作业 好像是用来布置班级的最好简单些、- -我是个画画白痴 希望有参考图 张力是什么请从微观角度解释,也就是分子如何互相影响 英语翻译XXX活络油为XXX医师数十年临床经验创制.功能主治:跌打肿痛,腰酸背痛,经络抽缩,舒经活络.用法用量:1.找出患处最痛之痛点.(痛点多位于骨隙或肿实之肌肉间.)2.搽上2-3滴活络油 美好生活,鲜花点缀(英语翻译) 翻译英文药品说明书,英文的,要翻译成中文.第一个:If your doctor has told you to take more than one breath of medication at a time:WAIT AT LEAST 60 SECONDS between each one,then start again at Step 6.第二个:After the prescribe Pure strong chocolate,just like the taste of love to be the first tastes good pure strong chocolate,just like the taste of love to be the first tastes good.to 谓语是哪个 The crisps().A.Tastes good B.taste good C.tastes well D.taste well.选哪个 班级开展“读书的乐趣”的演讲活动,请你为本次活动拟写一段开场白.要求:引用一句有关读书的名言 苦苦地想想了又想想得厉害想地离奇想得很多想得荒唐想得周到想得没道理是哪些词语在以下几个词里填左思右想 异想天开 朝思暮想 浮想联翩 痴心妄想 胡思乱想 冥思苦想 深思熟虑 想得厉害用什么词来表示?成语 Our English teacher is the woman who is talking with the girl这个定语从句该怎么翻译呢?两个从句?要怎么看?怎么还原回去?Our English teacher is the woman who is talking with the girl that is in red.穿红衣服的是谁? 描写沉默的句子 描写安静句子 初二英语阅读,能看懂再给题目咯 我的名是一个 妍 字,帮取个英文名吧,好听的,我是女生