
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 11:46:05
twinkle 怎么读 what he left me some coins谓语is 用还是were Which one is better to you,working for yourself or being an employee?意思 what is Jane?=什么 Better the being,renew the world What is Jane read?怎么回答? What is Jane?(保持原句意思) jane is a strong boy(用what引导) 看风景可以翻译为 look at the scene/scenery my neighbour often gave me a hand in time of trouble.( ).l think.was very kind of them.a.what b.that c.which d.it 坐着说话不腰疼 作文怎么写 l will think of you whenever wind biow on my face l will think of you whenever wind biow on my face Whenever he has guests,he often _____ them with a bunch of grapes1.expresses2.entertains3.satisfies4.respects 坐着说话不腰疼(求改一下)窗外烈日炎炎,一位两鬓斑白、胡须长长的老爷爷气喘吁吁地跑上了一辆公交车,扶着车杆,迈着沉重的步伐挤进了车里,头上豆大的汗珠就像断了链的珠子一般不停 bruise 汉语意思是什么我不懂啊! 表语和联系动词The children are asleep I get worked up 什么意思啊. I barely worked up a sweat RT 我想知道该怎么样自学德语现在我是一点都不懂,想知道的更多一些. 帮忙翻译下有关英国警察的 谢谢Police officers must not fear that they will be second-guessed by those operating with all the benefit of hindsight and by legislation not designed for such situations. I guess he is around 30,maybe yonger,give or take a few to be worked I'll give you one guess why.是我猜一下还是你猜一下 怎么理解“I'll give you one guess why.”今天上听力课,p351的那道题里“I'll give you one guess why”=“我将给你一种为什么的猜测.one guess why可以认为是一个名词短语么?是口语里的惯用说法么?[] Don't get worked up over nothing! The police are interrogating two suspects.are interrogating two suspects.这句话正确吗The police后应该用is 如题谁会翻译这首THE ROSE l cook the carrots in some minutes.还有My mother loves spicy food,either.这里的两句分别那里错了,选出来,并说明为什么. THE SICK ROSE怎么样 All I need is a bit of reasonable worked soil.意思 翻译 ____(数) eggs “soil” 啥意思