
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 15:41:31
Meimei dances well.Lily dances better.(合并为一句话) Lily is better than Lucy ___ singing.空中填介词 单项选择 lucy is better than lily____school 新东方的雅思到底怎么样?rt 英特英语西单这边招收3岁的小孩么? I got up so late this morning that i missed ---------(catch) the early bus横线上写括号里单词的正确形式,帮帮忙,急用了 成语对牛弹琴的近义词是什么 和扑朔迷离闻鸡起舞卧薪尝胆指鹿为马图穷匕见相煎何急这些成语相关的历史人物是谁 Australia is the name of a _____ facebook中文网和facebook官网有区别么为什么facebook中文网感觉没什么动态~ stop的过去时 首字母填空 Australia is located in the southernAustralia is located in the southern p 1 of the earth.So when it is a hot summer there,we have a cold w 2 here.The weather in Australia is neither too hot nor too cold.In many places of this beautif stop think study 得过去时.. Stay sleep write stop过去时 动词原型 写下列单词 三单 现在分词 过去时.stop make try read study plan.lie give chat drink write cut 新唐书 李白传阅读答案 新唐书 李白传简答题李白在长安时,“恳求还山,帝赐金放还”.后来,却又愿被“永王磷辟为府僚佐”.这表现他怎样的思想品格 《新唐书 李白传》 下列句中“之”字全只李白的一项是1)白之生,母梦长庚星2)因以命之3)苏颋为益州长史,见白,异之4)见郭子仪,奇之5)力士素贵之,耻之A 1 2 3 B 2 3 C 3 4 5 D 1 2 3 5 《新唐书 李白传》选择题3李白傲视权贵,不尊权贵的一组是1)既长,隐岷山,州举有道,不应2)为任侠,轻财重施3)日沉饮,号“竹溪六逸”4)白尝侍帝,醉,使高力士脱靴5)与知章 为“酒中八仙 "We need you to confirm availability and payment terms "客户这样说 我该如何回复关键是我不太了解付款这块 外贸新手 He got up very late.He missed the early bus.合并为一句He didn't get up early _____ to ______ the early bus. 《新唐书 李白传》 下列各句中词语解释不正确的是 A 是子才英特 英特:才智超群B 帝欲官白,妃辄沮止 沮止:阻止C 安禄山反,转侧宿松、匡庐间 转侧:翻来覆去D 白浮游四方 浮游:漫游 英语翻译白犹与饮徒醉于市 这句翻译帝爱其才,数宴见.这句翻译这两句的翻译速度急 I__to catch the first train nut I got up too late this morningA hopingB had hopedC has hopedD would hope ______mydisappointment,I missed the train for Beijing this morning.a.In b.By c.At d.TO 用 you'd better 造句请帮我 用you had better(not)do sth.造句10个+翻译 Bin B has added you as a friendIs Bin B your friend? Searching the friends to having english chat on MSN.Add me,my MSN:weipeng18000@hotmail.com,Hello everybody,This is David from ShenZhen,I work in a joint venture company as an international saler,My current situtaion is the defects of oral speaking an 求gero唱的just be friend~邮箱是xulan327@hotmail.com 谢谢! 德语 Ich hoffe, daß es Ihnen bei uns gefällt. 这句话啥意思 you'd better后面接don't spend;not to spend;to not spend还是not spend? 英语翻译