
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 18:45:55
《牢记历史,以史为鉴》第4题:其中风口浪尖是用来比喻( ),充分说明了( ). 介绍名人(用比喻手法)名人是一盏灯,名人是一座塔,名人是风向标,名人也是一阕歌……请在你所熟识的名人中,选定一个并用比喻的手法对人物做生动介绍.人物姓名; 介绍:——————— 魔方白色相对是那个面 魔方合面 请以My day为题写一片60字左右的英语作文, He made a ____ not to go there this week (1-1/2²)(1-1/3²)×……×(1-1/2011²)(1-1/2012²)要有过程和理由解释.有满意答案会额外给50分. 因式分解(1-2²分之1)(1-3²分之1)……(1-2011²分之一)(1-2012²分之一) 怎样把魔方拼成 一面 一层 如何将一个乱的魔方拼成六面,一面也行要能看懂 通俗易懂的 也别说把魔方拆开 He would rather go fishing this weekend(句意不变)He _______ _______ go fishing this weekend 魔方我怎么弄都只能拼成一个面 魔方怎样拼成 求证:对任意n(n>3)个向量V1+V2+……+Vn,存在不全为0的实数k1,k2……kn使k1v1+k2v2+……+knvn=0 Mr Green used to collect coins when he was young.(改为一般疑问句) 英语作文 Lisa's birthday When he was young,he used to_hard at his lessons. A.devote to working B.devote himself to work devoted to work devoted to working 求权威解答,不肯定的别瞎掺和. ___wants to go rafting this weekend ,raise your hands.中的raise是不是应该写成raises 提问几个英语单选题1.We look forward to the day when the car will be replaced by some less dangerous ( ) of transport .A.methods B.means C.manners D.ways2.Please ( ) me ( )your wife and children .A.remind ,to B.remember,of C.remember ,to Anyone (who wants to go rafting this weekend ,) raise your hand,please.定语从句,为什么不用raises 我要提问我要提问 英语单选题!-- China is __ third country to sent a person in to space.-- As __ Chinese student ,I am very proud of my country.A.the; a B.a; a C.不填; a D.the; 不填最重要的一点是 _A_wants to go rafting this weekend ,raise your hand ,please.A.Anyone who B.Those who 为啥不选B __6__flowers and a bed __7__in their room. When he was young,he used to spend his ______ time collecting stamps. 英语翻译浅论新时期我国档案管理工作的基本特点:本文以改革开放为分界线,通过对比1978年前后我国档案管理工作情况,将我国新时期的的档案管理工作的基本特点概述为档案的来源与主题 请帮我翻译成英语,自己翻,不要用机器翻好的词汇,并不是通过阅读根据一定年龄段的词汇来编写的书籍而获得的.而是通过阅读超越自己年龄的书籍来获得的. 魔方、拼完第一个面、然后怎么拼? 魔方最后一个面怎么弄?前俩个面我都会弄了、就最后一个面我不会弄、谁能告诉我怎么弄?别弄什么公示、我看不懂那东西、要是给我弄个我能看懂的也行 魔方怎样变出一面?就一面! A desk is near the bed.Some flowers are in it.A bookshekf is behind the bed.翻译 1.Does formula f(x)=1/(x²-2) define a function f:R->R?A function Z->R?2.If there are 2187 function f:A->B and |B|=3.What is |A|?3.Give an example of a function f:A->B and A1,A2 in the A for which f(A1∩A2) ≠ f(A1)∩f(A2)4.If A={1,2,3,4,5} an He studied hard at school when he was young.___leads to his success in his late lifeA what B which C that D so that为什么不选C 选A 怎么看的呢