
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 08:29:20
英语翻译I have a nice little sum of money put aside for a rainy day. 苹果5代手机什么意思 请问三个英文单词的读音、含义.dagauss menu exit第一个词确实错了.应为degauss. 英语里the的不同读法分别是在什么情况下呢?能否举些例子 求一个英文单词读音类似凯瑟琳,意思是传媒广告之类的.公司是做广告传媒的,名字叫凯瑟琳,想取一个英文,读音相近于凯瑟琳,但是意思要广告传媒之类的.读音一定要相近,含有K S 几个成语中文翻译,谢谢画蛇添足 口若悬河 如坐春风 忍痛割爱 叹为观止 另眼相看 热泪盈眶 心照不宣 信手拈来 扣人心弦 匠心独运 耳濡目染 权宜之计 登堂入室 得陇望蜀 虚席以待 独辟蹊 英语翻译薄荷贵妃 草莓之园 百香争艳 红豆相思 英语翻译主要是第三附图的主控制屏幕键盘帮我翻译,有时间把其他屏幕也翻译一下, 英语翻译空调遥控器上的“抽湿,送风,高风,中风,低风,摆风,定时开,定时关,数显,强劲,”怎么翻译?急用 一道小学英语填空题Mary and Kaite live in _ flats on _ floor. 小学英语填空题 就一道! 小学英语填空题一道The children went to the supermarket yesterday.Peter spent $23.50.He spent _ _ than Patsy,but _ than John and Annie.Annie spent _ money than the others.She spent _ than John and _ than Patsy.John spent _.He spent _ than _ b I was playing computer games when father got home(改为一般疑问句) 时间状语从句中能有过去时么?比如:he was very happy when he played computer games when he was four,he started playing computer games.(改写句子,句意不变)忘了 这是填空题 ------ ------- ------- of four he started playing computer games Your English is very good. Are you from England? No, I come from Canada. _____ speak English and French. I'm a Chinese. _____ do you like our country? Very much. ____ do you like abo Jim is good at English.为什么要用is6年级123课时练上的~ Jim is good at English.(改为同义句) Jim ____ English. 英语发音:找出一个与划线部分读音相同 填空题很简单八年级(3)班班委会决定元旦晚会上给每一位同学赠送礼品——音乐贺卡或鲜花,已知音乐贺卡每张5元,鲜花每束2元,全班共40人,班长用150元最多只能买() 张音乐贺卡. 填空题 从第14题开始, 英语翻译尽管睁着眼睛,却什么也没看见 ( )这是什么呀? I was playing computer games when my mother came into my room.(改为同义句),该怎么改, cool中的oo的音标是什么? care的音标是什么?care的音标是什么?care的音标是什么?care的音标是什么?care的音标是什么?care的音标是什么?care的音标是什么?care的音标是什么?care的音标是什么? oo的音标是什么?要写法 take care的音标是什么? the boy is smart that he is able to count from one to one hundred的同义句the boy is smart that he is able to count from one to one hundred改为同义句the boy is____ ____ _____ count from one to ont hundred. One of the boys are from England.改错 Maybe the boy is from England同义句我错了还有里The boy(       )from England John is one of the boys who ___ from England in our school.A.is B.are C.comes D.cameJohn is one of the boys who ___ from England in our school.A.is B.are C.comes D.came There are twenty four boys in Miss gao's Glass.one of the boys comes from England是什么意思