
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 07:35:29
he hasseven lessons every day. 改成一般疑问句和否定句 Would you like to live in a palace?同一句转换 he watches TV every day.否定句 一般疑问句 肯定和否定回答 He has seven lessons every day.(改为一般疑问句) ( )he( )seven lessonsHe has seven lessons every day.(改为一般疑问句)( )he( )seven lessons every day? Mrs.Smith likes taking a walk on the ___(city) busy streets.急 Mrs.Smith likes taking a walk on the ___(city)busy steets. i want to say is that 这句话是不对得把 是不是要在前面加what也就是说 陈述句 如果不带向what 这样的连词 是不能做句子的主语的 可以多列几个这样的主语从句吗 1.有耳能听到,有嘴能请教,有手能摸索,有心添烦恼.打一字:( )2.用自己的话写出下面谚语的意思.①.一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨.②.书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟.③.只有战胜自己 寒假作业有几道不会,请大家帮忙看看……猜谜语:心逐南云逝,形随北雁来,故乡篱下菊,近日几花开.(猜一节日)《红楼梦》灯谜,猜谜低:能使妖魔胆尽催,身如束帛气如雷,一声震得人方恐, 寒假作业本上的作业,大家帮忙!生活离不开数学,据交通部最新统计,2005年8个月,中国公路建设累计完成投资3097亿元,同比增长了11.5‰ 预计到2005年底,中国通车总路程将突破190万公里,中国每万 一个五位数是45678,改动其中某一个数字,使改动后的五位数是61的倍数.改动时是将什么数字改成了几?改动后的五位数是多少? We plan plant trees in one row.改错 英语翻译是不是说:为了造纸而种树永远不嫌迟? who is the taller,Tim or Tom?这句话用加THE吗 The children have some problems ___ to the top of the mountain.为什么是getting They have some d_____in getting to the top of the mountain 由于天气恶劣,我们没能准时到达山顶.We didn't ___ ___ ___ the top of the mountain because of the由于天气恶劣,我们没能准时到达山顶.We didn't ___ ___ ___ the top of the mountain because of the bad weather. Tom走上了山顶,并且看到些特别的东西 英文翻译.Tom___ _____ To____ _____of the mountain and saw _ _ We stand on the top of the mountain,________we can have a birdview.为什么填的是from wherefrom where 和 since when 具体用法是怎样的,什么情况下这么用为什么不用from which? What do Americans do to celebrate Thanksgiving Day? How do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving today? 如何回答Do you usually celebrate Christmas Day or Thanksgiving Day?是回答:yes i do,还是当做一个选择疑问句来回答?急! 金山词霸 When you know what you want and you want it badly enough.You'll find a way to get it.如题 帮我翻译下 下列不属于澳大利亚实施东水西调工程的原因是?请分析各个选项,/>PS为什么雨影区会降水少? 澳大利亚缺水,但地下水多,为什么还要东水西调,而不是开采地下水 世界最大国模东水西调是哪个国家 you will always be my friend 这里的be 是系动词吗always不应该放在系动词之后吗?这句的反意疑问句是不是won't yoube什么时候是系动词什么时候是动词.是不是won't you In my heart,she will always be a superstar. you will always be my best friend and i will never forget you my dear 翻译上一下就行 I often spend noe hour and a half (该填的)my homework in the evening 2doing 3 to do选? 我们不再陌生 ONCE WE WERE STRANGERS怎么样