
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 05:16:42
这句怎么有两个谓语动词the reason i'm calling u is to invite u to a party怎么出现两个谓语动词?am 和 is 这句话对吗?怎么有2个谓语动词?I missed the train and consequently was late for work. 求 Phaending Khong Rao 的中文意思,看着像是泰语拼音,不像英语, 我想每天坚持一片完形填空和4片阅读理解从而提高英语成绩可以吗 英语成绩较差我想每天坚持一片完形填空和4片阅读理解从而提高英语成绩可以吗 英语语法差应该怎么办能 英语成绩较差 我是江苏的一名文科生、英语语法一直搞不懂、我有坚持做完形填空和阅读理解、可英语成绩还是没有改善、...我是江苏的一名文科生、英语语法一直搞不懂、我有坚持做完形填空和阅读理 The animals you eat had to spend their lives----together in tiny spaces A.crowded B.crowdingcrowd不可以作动词吗为什么选A不选B? it is a pity that animals have to spend their lives __________in a tiny space before they are killed for meat.(crowd) space和room区别,they spend their lives living in tiny spaces .为什么又用可数space A lot of the animals we need for food have to spend their whole lives in tiny spaces_ they're killed.A.unlessB.onceC.untilD.when为什么?请详细说明,分析每个选项, A lot of animals like to s___ food to spend the cold winter 有甲乙两杯含糖量不同的糖水有甲乙两杯含糖率不同的糖水,甲杯中糖水重240克,乙杯中糖水重160克,现从两杯中到处重量相等的糖水,分别交换倒入两只杯中,这是两杯新糖水的含糖率相同.每杯 英语翻译翻译一下Some firms have introduced flexible working time with less emphasis on presure than efficiency.Some firms have introduced flexible working time with less emphasis on presure and more on efficiency. LucK的副词 Tom Sawyer spent 2 months __________ his book.A.on writing B.in writting C.in D.writing到底选哪个? bad 副词比较级 fell so good bad的副词 广发信用卡的“最低还款额”是什么意思? 英语翻译What happened... 新概念2册的所有课文都要背诵吗?我刚学新概念2,我真的不想背诵!怎么办? 读一读连成句子 bike fell Sam his off 新概念3 值得背诵的文章能举出来吗 还有被新概念3的意义~在口语中如何输出来呢 新概念的课文需要背诵吗? 怎样去背诵新概念课文 一方人养一方水土辩论赛我方辩题是一方人养一方水土,求指教 辩论,请说出“挫折对人有害”方的漏洞 求女子有才方为德的论据,辩论会用的,如题,越多越好 我们要辩论赛 彩色大雁展翅魔方是不是棱角有点磨手? 魔方的第三层四个棱角怎么完成?拜托了各位 谢谢告诉我一下方法 谢谢啦 魔方还原中层棱角用了公式,样子不对 发布新闻稿有什么作用?