
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 01:31:07
花坛里有花.圹写句子 come back 是延续性吗?return The girl went to bed after her mother came back.(同义句)The girl ___ __ to bed ___her mother ____ . 在这里,你可以结交许多朋友 英文如题 找首英文歌,部分歌词如下.并希望结识喜欢英文歌的朋友!How i used to say the iphone number.cause you kown you've got the key to my heart.you are the only one for me.one,.(一段话,没听清)tow,.(一段话,没听清)there,.(一 She is new here这中文意思是什么 谁有粤教版八年级下册地理复习提纲呀,急求~~~~~~~~ He thinks she will be here on time ,——?变反意疑问句 does she stay here 请问这句话怎么翻译 是疑问句吗 想找个外国朋友练习英语口语.我在北京上学.谁能给介绍一个呢. 找英语口语练习伙伴想找人陪自己练口语希望英语好的能加我或者谁有国外网友给我介绍一下我的skype:chisanyo本人英语为高一水平 英语固定词组问题chosen for doing/ chosen to do同样都是介词for 和to,为什么for 后面要接名词? 求新目标人教版九年级上的英语听力,我想要下载到手机上听、最好是能够看到单词的. 我要买手机,什么的手机好,推荐 she cooks nice food and grows beautiful flowers什么意思 she is looking at the flowers?变成一般疑问句怎么变? 求单词need的用法越详细越好,3Q 已知三棱柱ABC-A1B1C1是直三棱柱,∠ACB为90度,AC=3dm,BC=4dm,AA1=4dm,D,E分别在棱AA1和CC1上,且DA1=3dm,EC1=2dm,若用此直三棱柱作为无盖盛水容器,且在D,E两处发生泄漏,试问现在此容器最多能盛水多少(L)? 怎么往手机上下载各词啊? 开心词场这个手机应用好用吗? MC词怎么下载到手机求 what __you the chance to see the film?Attending the meeting A took B cost 英语里问颜色有复数和单数,想问下单数时回答,the,that,these,this,those等词是怎么用的,在哪用的 deserve用法及例句 these能像that那样指代上文提到的同种类型的事物吗?是不是单数用that,复数用those?The desks of this room are as large as _____________.A.those of that room\x05B.that of that room\x05\x05\x05C.it of that room\x05\x05D.that room 请高手谈下deserve的用法 最好全面点 deserve的用法造几句句子. 汉语词典手机版 苹果手机设置的通用功能里有个用户词典要填哪些词语好? 谁知道现代汉语词典(第5版) 删了哪些词语 现代汉语字典为何将“入肉”一字删去?难道就因为不雅吗?但不能否认说这个字的人绝对不是少数!这算欲盖弥张?还是面子工程? 怎么一会现在时一会过去将来时的.I tole you Colin and I would spend a few weeks travelling before he goes to university.是told,打错了 英语翻译Despite erosion of the cost competitiveness of China's exports,expectations that China will sell fewer manufactured goods to Africa have proven misplaced