
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 02:03:14
麻烦英语老师做这2题英语填空:根据句意和首字母的提示补全单词.1、 Good food ang vegetables h_____ us to study better.2、 I can h_____ believe my own eyes. 老师让我代表全体同学给英语老师写新年贺卡(英文的),该怎么写啊? They took the train to Nanjing 画线部分是 took the train (对画线部分提问)_____ _______ they go to Nanjing?Mr Smith goes to the factory by bus every day .画线部分是 by bus (对画线部分提问)_________ __________ Mr Smith ______ go 麻烦大家帮忙做一下英语适当形式填空 选择合适的单词填空(英语)A in tens B a pair ofC long agoD square rootsE each ofF stand for1.The girl looks smart with _____glasses on her face.2.None of us knew what happened ________3.The eggs are too many ,they have to count them_______ 一道关于英语的题目 选用适当的词用适当的形式填空..cousin;main;dirt;research;clean1 All my____get together during Spring Festival.2 He is doing some____on how to protect the environment.3 The talk is_____about how to help childre 图书馆的英语单词怎么拼写? 脚,耳朵,头发,鼻子,眼睛,脸,手臂,手掌这些英语是怎么读的? 眼睛丶嘴巴丶鼻子丶耳朵的英语单词 脸、鼻子、头、眼睛、耳朵的英语单词怎么拼啊?(急用) 眼睛~嘴巴~耳朵~鼻子~头发~什么样才可以做出个人脸来,眼睛~嘴巴~耳朵~鼻子~头发是要可以线的? 鼻子,嘴巴,鞋子,脚,手,手臂,眼睛,耳朵,头发,用英语怎么说啊英语...翻译题,适合的英语单词 初二英语3.4.5. 4.5 3.4.5题,英语解决 3,4,5题怎么改,英语的 3,4,5题 英语的 英语第三大题的1.小题 7.9.10题,和第三大题第1小题, 第三大题,第3、6、7、8小题 5∽6题(七上英语) 第41.41:2.3题 42:2.3题 是英语! 六年级上册英语活动手册 2页第4题 3页第5题 4页第1题 6页第5题 7页第1题 My father often _____ _____Beijing (乘飞机,填2个单词)sThere are some book in the bag .(some books划线,划线提问)Drives drive on the left side of the road (一般疑问句) 来者(答对/全答上来不必全对)必万分感谢! 小学六年级寒假乐园英语答案(辽大出版义务教育,大连)我的问题都是阅读的,只有少数是直接回答的,我把这类的问题发下来吧英文名字:白雪公主、灰姑娘、小飞侠、玩具总动员里的… 虽然我知道作业是要做的 但是因为一些事情没时间写 (星球地图出版社)的 1.Dinosaurs had long back legs and strong tails to help them to swim.They________out of water to find food.2.Fossils show us the size and shape of dinosayrs.People found fossils of eggs________baby dinosaurs inside. 1._____ are the apples from Dalian?A.How much B.How many C.How long D.How often 2.He sometimes ____ with his father before.(play chess) 1.When you go to Beijing,you will see ( ).A.The Great Wall B.Big Ben C.Buckingham Palace2.The changjiang River is ( ) than the Yellow River.A.taller B.longer C.higher3.Will you play the erhu?No,I ( )A.will B.can't C.won't4.Is Sam stronger than Lingli