
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 00:32:57
急求2人英语对话短文!关于看电影的,每人五六句就差不多了一定要对话简单的啊,英语口语考试,太难的驾驭不了. 哪里欣赏,三国演义读后感作文400字,感激亲们 翻译器I never said you love me,I don't need your love 已知an是等比数列,若a3=2,a2+a4=5,则数列an的通项公式是 "I am awlay here by your side to wish you"用中文翻译是什么意思? 三国演义读后感作文400字,感激亲们 I need you to remeber I am always here是哪首歌里的一个女生唱的 when you need to teel ,l am here 一个matlab中的程序老师错,>>    t = 0:0.01:10;   m1 = -60:1:0; %输入的正弦信号幅度不同   m = 10.^(m1/20);   figure(1)   for i = 1:length(m)   for j = 1:2   x1 = m(i)*sin(2*pi*t+2*pi*rand(1) 长城给我们什么启发?150字左右 热爱生命的人有谁?他(她)们都有那些故事? 热爱生命的人的故事 怎样短时高效背英语课文?请对题回答,别抄来抄去的 怎样能快速高效的背会英语课文? 歧路亡羊啥意思 歧路亡羊是什么意思呀 谁能告我,三国演义读后感作文400字,感激亲们 红楼梦前八十回每一回的简介!如题 We can play football 这句英语改为一般疑问句怎么改? Sandy can play football well now.改完一般疑问句 ()sandy ( ) football well now bonnie can play football改一般疑问句并回答 Thank you for your kind offer of helping me.= Thank you for your kind offer to help me.该句中offer作名词吗?表示主动提供东西? It's very kind ___ you .Thank you for your help.A of B for C to D on thanks a lot for your kind help 1.don`t thank me 2.that`s ok 3.don`t worry 4.you`re welcome thank you for your____(kind).that river is 3,000 metres in _________(long).his father ________(own)some stores in china.hello and "dear sir" are________(greeting)my hobby is_____(play) basketball.we should keep___(health).do you enjoy_____(work) here 英语连词成句know,write,on,things,different,do,you,words,people 求一首歌 高潮好像是i need your help i need your help什么的 调调是67(16 ) 67(175)括号高音是女的唱的1.2楼都不是3也不是 她唱i need your help得时候声很慢 很妖的那种声.词不一定对 I need your help改否定句 I _____ ______ need your help. 雪是怎么形成的?什么情况下才会下雪?人工降雪是怎么回事? 下雪的降水量如何界定 歧路亡羊的含义? 做初二英语选择题和阅读题时怎样做才能减少错误