
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 19:00:16
晏子恤民翻译景公之时,雨雪三日而不霁,公被狐白之裘,坐于堂侧阶.晏子入见,立有间,公曰:“怪哉!雨雪三日而不寒.”晏子对曰:“天不寒乎?”公笑.晏子曰:“婴闻古之贤君,饱而知人之饥, 民殷国富而不知存恤 存恤什么意思 在横线上填出恰当的歇后语1.这起案件经过警察的严密调查,事件真相已经是_______了,你不要抵赖了!2.爸爸妈妈的责骂丝毫没能阻止小民对昆虫的迷恋,每次放鹅时他还是______,去捡那些"没用的 在横线上填恰当的歇后语他这次可真是_________________,没想到一直表现平平的他竟考了第一名.急急急急急急急. 请把歇后语填在横线上跟这种无知的人理论,简直是________________. 横线上填歇后语,怎么填 ? ING国际英语好吗?不是电话英语的那个英语ing哦,是深圳的. “强”这个字,当作姓氏读什么?是jiang 还是qiáng? “赫”这个字在姓氏中读什么? 英语翻译There was even a princess who gave him a little money from time to time for food and clothes.这个句子是不是用了倒装?求翻译. 请高手翻译分析句型1.Tourism should help a country keep the customs and beauty that make tourists feel much interested.2.That gave her some satisfation,for James, though rich,was unwilling to give or share what he had. 求翻译:even taking the fog into account 做“根据”时taken into account that与taking into account that有何区别 翻译:Taking all these into account,we... 英文翻译成中文 monthly salary after taking into account food and housing 英语翻译Taking into account the needs connected with the control of varioustechnical processes,with the management of projects and complex plantsas well as with the control and management of computer systems has led to forming foundations of mode to,her,celebrate,to,good,her,the,birthday,invite,her,part,girl,birthday,in,does,want,friend,purple 英语翻译当我们意识到创新的重要性时,那么成功就离我们不远了 英语翻译 "裴"这个字在姓氏里面怎么读 "湛"这个字读什么?在姓氏里面?"湛"这个字读什么?在姓氏里面读什么?它是多音字吗?在姓氏里读什么? 比如说那种狠复杂得,主语什么都是从句得.还有一些其他狠复杂得. The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged.请翻译一下!谢谢! Translate the following into Chinese;Translate into Chinese:Can you give us some explanation about the differential gear and differential circuit? Translate the following into the Chinese1.He has the same computer as you.2.I'll tell you about it as soon as I see you.3.As it was snowing hard last ningt,we had to stay at school.4.Carelessness is often the reason of fires.5.A large tree may lose s 英语根据首字母填空 Yesterday Mary i_____ me to her birthday party. 从《克雷洛夫寓言》中再选一则寓言阅读,并写40字左右的读后感 克雷洛夫寓言读后感作文 1.我看辅导书上说“字母,数字.引语或缩略(词)语的复数形式是在其后加-’s或-s"但是没有说明什么情况下用哪种.2.定义:“数词+名词+形容词”构成的复合形容词,中间的名词不能用复数,必 从克雷洛夫寓言中再选一则寓言阅读,并写40字左右的读后感 卜,作为姓氏,读什么音? 1、Can you ______volleyball?A.have B.has C.play the D.play(内个,我觉得是D,但是又不确定是不是C)2、_____ you his friend?(是is还是are?)