
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 17:04:32
卞之琳和徐志摩的代表作品、比较有名的作品有哪本?价格是多少?哪个出版社的?里面的经典诗有哪些?要那本诗集的名字,举例说里面有哪些经典作品和这本诗集好的地方? 近代著名诗人除了徐志摩、戴望舒、卞之琳之外,还有哪些? ?在香豌豆中,花色是由两对等位基因控制的,只有当C,R两个基因共同存在时花色才为红色.一株红花...?在香豌豆中,花色是由两对等位基因控制的,只有当C,R两个基因共同存在时花色才为红色.一 香豌豆中,只有两个显性基因CR同时存在时,花为红色.这两对基因是独立分配的.某一红花植株与另二植株杂交,所得结果如下:①与ccRR杂交,子代中的50%为红花 ②与CCrr杂交,子代中100%为红 当CR两个显性基因都存在时花呈红色CCRR与ccRr杂交子代中有3/8开红花让此豌豆自交后代中纯合红花香豌豆占多香豌豆中,当C,R两个显性基因都存在时,花呈红色。 香豌豆中,当CR两个显性基因都存在时,花呈红色.一株红花豌豆与基因型为ccRr的植株杂交,子代中有3/8开红花;若让此红花香豌豆进行自交,后代红花香豌豆中纯合子占A.1/9B.1/4C.1/2D.3/4为 长途汽车站用英语怎么拼 香豌豆中,只有当A、B两显性基因共同存在时,才开红花,一株红花植株与aaBb杂交,子代中有3/8开红花,则此接上》》》 红花植株自交产生的红花后代中杂合子占A.8/9 B.6/9 C.2/0 D.1/9 基因型为AaBb Aabb的两种豌豆杂交,子一代能稳定遗传的比例为多少 香豌豆中,只有当A、B两显性基因共同存在时,才开红花,一株红花植株与aaBb杂交,子代中有3/8开红花,则此 红花植株自交产生的红花后代中杂合子占?怎么判断亲本红花的基因型?怎么由亲本判断 香豌豆中,只有当A、B梁显性基因共同存在时才开红花.一株红花植株与aaBb杂交,后代中有¾开红花;若让此类红花植株自交,则其自交后代的红花植株中,杂合体占 A 0 B 1/2 C 2/3 D 8/9 求详解:豌豆中,当A.B两显性基因均存在是花为红色,一株开红花豌豆与aaBb的植株杂交,F1中3/8开红花...若让此株红花亲本自交,后代红花中纯合子所占比例? can l invite my frinds to dinner 英语问题:They often invite my friends ____ ____(吃)dinner A:Did I tell you about the s____ visitor who came yesterday?B:No,was it a_____ I know look!Lucy is playing table tennis with Lily on the playgroud.They____be Lucy and Lily.they havegone to Hangzhou.A.mustn't B.must C.can't as much as possible与as well as possible的区别及用法 as many as possible 和as much as possible的区别,请详细一些, I _am not feeling ______ (not feel) well.I have a headache.不可以吗 I can't eat a___ .I'm not feeling well today I have a headache . You may be ill ,you must see thedoctor i___ you are ill. My father didn't give up smoking until the doctor asked him to do so.(保持原句意思)My father ______ smoking ________ the doctor asked him to do so. the doctor suggested that my father gives up smoking对吗 my suggestion is that your father () on at once,said the doctor calmly.be operated will be operated should operated as much as possible解释什么? 初二英语(下学期第二单元) 根据句意填写单词,1、My clothes are out of _____ ,so I should go to buy some new ones .2、I don't want to talk about it on the ______,maybe next time when we meet .3、My parents wants me to ____ at home e "Don`t smoke in the library," the teacher said to the man改为间接引语 jim thinks of a [ ] to stop his father smoking空地方出第一字母是 w 肺结核菌用英语怎么说 my father has stopped smoking.(保句意) my father has ____ _____ smoking. 请问"头孢菌"的英语怎么说? 自然菌灭杀率 用英语怎么说? Jimmy hopes his father can ___smoking(是说不希望爸爸吸烟)