
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 22:41:29
猜字谜 六口 猜字谜 七口 今天我在班队课上演讲,可是却口吃了,怎么读都读不好,而我在家读这篇文章时,却读得很流利,是为什么?补充:是我紧张吗?可是以前演讲没有这种现象 音标/ae/加/n/和/ŋ/,得到的/aen/和/aeŋ/分别怎样发音,有什么区别?是/aen/和/aeŋ/这两个音标组合的音,用拼音表达出来发音可以么。 请问[ŋ]和[n],[j]和[i],[θ]和[s]读音到底怎么区分啊. 请问 [ŋ]和[n] 发音 的区别?听了几个网站的真人发音,都发现gang这个单词的发音很接近[gein],而不是[gæn]请问是怎么回事? n与ŋ发音区别 为什么谢孟媛英文发音篇只教了38个音标?还有10个难道不需要会吗? 上海新东方德语初级有没有上过新东方德语的朋友能说一说初级上和初级下主要讲些什么东西?我在高中学过德语初级,掌握了发音和日常对话,现在想继续学,不知道是应该在新东方从初级重新 德语初级 现在完成Es ——nicht geregnet..现在完成时,中间用sein还是haben?个人觉得下雨应该是天气的一种状态,应该用ist,不知对否,求指教! 关于 patient 的词组有be patient to 这个词组吗?be patient with 有be patient of 我要百分之百的正确答案 对…有耐心词组翻译 "解决"的英语短语,在线耐心等哦^ω^ 《短歌行》是曹操的名篇.《长歌行》和《短歌行》哪个字数多? 短歌行与长歌行有什么区别 关于翠鸟的谜语 用英语怎么问trousers和jeans的区别.写作文要用, 鲁滨逊生活艰苦,扩句 鲁滨逊生活很艰难 扩句 句法结构the first thing I saw when i entered the art gallery was a notice which said;do not touch.这里的was是什么作用啊,which可以去掉吗?the first thing 是状语吗 help oneself to 句型的运用公式,汉语意思以及例句! The first thing I saw when I entered the art gallery was a notice which said:句型分析麻烦哪位大神分析下句型是The first thing 状 I saw 主谓 when I entered the art gallery 时状从主谓宾was a notice which said 系 表 which said 新概念3英语题the first thing i saw____to the art gallerythe first thing i saw____to the art gallerya.on my arrival b.on entering c.at the entrance d,having arrived其他选项为什么不可以 请详解还有the first thing i saw____to the art the first thing i saw____to the art gallery...the first thing i saw____to the art gallery...a.on my arrival b.on entering c.at the entrance d.having arrived其他选项为什么不可以还有 the first thing i saw____to the gallery...中的to help oneself to sth 改成什么Please help yourself to some apples 改成什么?呃..是同义句转换 the first thing i()about the room was the smell.A.notised B.notice C.see D.saw 为什么?Alice found a key()the door on a small table.A.of B.with C.in D.to为啥? only-front&side是什么意思 as soon as 和 when 的搭配as soon as he comes back I‘ll tell him when ()and see himA you come B do you comeC you will come D will you come并给出正确选项 That is the reason ______he wasn’t here yesterday.A why B which C on which D in which that’s could be one reason why I here. Day of the Death 帮我做题!when is it why do we clebrate it when where did it star its history are there special custums about it how be celebrate? 我想要一些德语问候语?