
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/28 07:21:07
用英语来解释下列句子1、l would like to be your penfriend.2、\My brother works as an architect.3、 amso glad to hear from you.4、please reply Simon's letter. 哪些时间状语只用于一般过去时,哪些只用于完成时? 求一般疑问句和特殊疑问句改法. 改成一般疑问句和特殊疑问句we always do our homework in the eveninghe often play foodball after school 改特殊疑问句The lamp is on the table改为特殊疑问句 用简单的英语解释下列句子.1.Sandy is one of the top students in our school._________________________________________2.I would like to assist other students after school._________________________________________3.I never fail an exam.______ 用简单英语解释下列句子1.pass me the boo___________________2.the new dictionarydelongs to mary------------------------------------3.tom is short of money--------------------------------4.he is responsible for everything in the hotel ------- 用简单的英语解释是下列句子it took the artist two hours to draw the horse.look out!there's a car coming.let's go and ask our teacher.how can i get to the zoo?does jim often help his mother with house-work?同义句! 用简单的英语解释下列的句子!1.Let'go and fiy kites in the park.2.Why not go to the Book Center this afternoon?3.My father used to climb the hill in the morning.4.The children enjoyed themselves at the party.5.He is at the same age as Lily 1.He is responsible for everthing in the hotel.2.Tom is short of money.3.Jim could draw pictures when he was five years old.4.Why not come down to play basketball with me?5.Pansy was often late in the past.6.To learn French is not easy.7.Martin took 含有表持续时间的状语的一般过去时与现在完成时的区别是什么 现在分词的完成时作状语,可以接过去的时间状语么?The computer center, _________last year, is very pupular now.可以用having opened 么?如果不可以,为什么?我感觉,open表开放的时候既可以及物,又可以不及物, 改特殊疑问句该怎么该Shanghai was a small town a hundred years ago._was Shanghai_a hundred years ago? 上班迟到检讨书1000字今天就要啊,急!急!急! 初中迟到检讨书1000字! 迟到检讨书1000字, 求一篇关于迟到的检讨书,1000字迟到五分钟,我声明还是在大学 in the past few years 过去完成时 in the last few years 现在完成时 in the past 一般过去时 改成特殊疑问句We must (follow the rules around us).______ ________ we do? 英语翻译内容:上个星期因为犯错别老师批评了,现在我已经认识到自己的错误了.我保证在今后不会发生这样的事,希望老师能够原谅我这一次,再给我一次机会.我会改正的,并且在以后会认真 哪里有英文200字检讨书 英语翻译以情境为主线,贯穿活动始终——如何运用多媒体课件创设情境,解决幼儿美术欣赏中的难点摘要:美术欣赏是幼儿美术活动中的重要组成部分.对教师而言,如何让孩子在美术欣赏活动 英语改成特殊疑问句和一般疑问句有什么规则 如果要把特殊疑问句改成一般疑问句要怎样改?比如说:This is my father要怎样改成一般疑问句? 写一份上课迟到的检讨书,800字大哥帮帮忙.因为快上课了,被班主任看见,叫我写800字检讨书. 英语!(1题 上课迟到的检讨书300字到500字 迟到检讨书500字 迟到检讨500字不得重复500字不能有一字重复,各国语言皆可,但是要在全系面前读.尽快~(本人懂英语,国语,其他国语言不懂)搞笑的无所谓。关键是你的一开头就有重复字好吧。(次字重复) 上课迟到并且顶撞老师的检讨书500字.. 迟到检讨500字(急!)我就迟到了一分钟T-T我何止要写检讨,我还做了100个蹲下起身 just now可以引导现在完成时吗