
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 05:57:21
初中26个字母汉语怎么读啊 要汉语读 不要音标 什么动物天气越热飞得越高 男生门都喜欢什么样孑的女生呢?或者说什么样孑得女生最能让男生弛我平时不怎么会做作,也不懂得怎麽装可暧,我男朋友总是忽冷忽热锝,我好难过,想跟各位学学:怎样的女孩子男生会最钟 the teacher's ——[suddenly]——[arrive] made all the studengts___[surprise]what____you____[do] while I ____[sleep] last night?You made so much noise that I couldn't fall____[sleep]_________Mr Wang ______[mend] the car at 10.30last night? 天热爬上树梢,总爱大喊大叫,明明啥也不懂,偏说知道知道.(打一动物) 36种动物谜语答案我爱北京天安门,天安门上太阳升,长江截流创奇迹,神州航空放卫星.是什么动物? 比较火柴折断 和燃烧前后有那些不同,从而说物理变化和化学变化的区别,物理性质和化学性质的区别 Hardly had the singer appeared on the stage when the audience burst into applause at once. 下列属于物理变化的是,属于化学变化的是①火柴梗被折断②火柴梗燃烧③冰熔化成水④水蒸发变成水蒸气⑤玻玻璃破碎⑥镁条燃烧【填序号】 我最喜欢的颜色是什么?看看你们能不能回复.那个过虑系统达变态了. 成语接龙,低声细语,后写3个 Do you know Neil Amstrong?Yes.He is the first man_______on the moon.A.walk B.walks C.to walk D.walked要求原因详细通俗 1.The little boy walks _______ he _________ an old man.A.as if; likes B.as though; were C.even if; likes D.even though; were2._______it is to chance to experience life in space!A.What a fun B.What fun C.How fun D.What funny3.The theif ______c 问几题英语单项选择题,有把握的来,1.will you show me your postcard?I mean____one you bought yesterdar.选项A an B a C the D不填2.would you share the____of the gas and the car with me?If so,you will save money.---I certainly do 选项A 温州人和东北人的差距是什么? A young woman appeared on the river bank.It was Xier.例句中看到这句话,请问,It was Xier.这就是喜儿.表示人可以用it吗?此句是个什么结构可以这样用? 凭什么说温州人没素质真想问问那些说温州人没素质的人.到底是谁没素质.温州大部分都是外来务工人员.说真的我很受不了外地来的.吵架比谁都大声.特别是四川.骂人整条街都知道.难道不是 As the nation grew toward the west,new states were added and new stars appeared on the flag.的意思 粤语的"丢"[diu]是什么意思,好象是骂人的吗?为什么小哇听到了会笑? 广东话骂人,吃得大头菜多是什么意思 桓荣好学古文中应什么意思?及什么意思嘛? 最基本的政治权利是什么 政治权利的基础是什么? 脂肪能量比糖类高是因为H,O含量大吗?RT 饮用水铅含量多少属于过多 正月初一早上吃汤圆是什么意思 连词成句. 1.you,it call,do,what(?) 2.ate,Tom,Beijing Duck,Beijing,once,in(.) 氢氧化钠弄到胳膊上怎么办 沾上烧碱怎么办?(化学知识) 1.there is no question of____able to finish it himself.a.Tom was b.Tom's being c.Tom's be d.Tom is 含羞草为什么会白天开放,晚上合闭 含羞草晚上的时候为什么会合拢?(准确的)