
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:49:40
这两个短语用法上有什么区别啊,最好有例句of no effect和to no effect 世界上到底有几个文明古国 求两个短语的用法1.mask over2.come off翻译及例句,越详细越好, 世界一共有几个文明古国 世界上一共有多少个文明古国?有多少个? how do your family go to work Let me tell you how my family and I get to work or school.有没有这样的语法?这句话是说 让我告诉你我的家人和我怎样上班或上学的。 How do your parents get to work?作文 100词左右 It's about three kilometers away的问句 it's very important______take fish out of water,______they will;or b.not to;when not;or d.not to;or If you don't give fish enough water,they will die被动何解?If you don't give fish enough water,they will dieI'm sure I have already finished all the homework.这两句怎么变被动语态,如果可以, 这三个表示“参加”的短语or单词用法有什么区别?1.take part in2.join in3.join If--------,water will be harmful to human life.A.polluting.B,being polluted C.polluted.D.h...If--------,water will be harmful to human life.A.polluting.B,being pollutedC.polluted.D.having polluted应该选哪个, The nearest is_____10 kilometers away. The nearest hospital is about 6 Kilometers___here. Afay away Baway from Cfar away from Doff from还有一道:Let’s look at the panda first(改为同义句)___________Let’s look at the panda first(改为同义句)Let' h____:causing harm p____:polluting or being polluted 对括号部分提问the park is(about 2 kilometers away). 短语展示厅的空. 伊斯兰教明明是中东地区的,为什么硬度尼西亚那么多信的? 在中东国家的孩子是不是一出生都是穆斯林?或者说所有阿拉伯人都信仰伊斯兰教吗?都是穆斯林教徒吗? A doctor has a brother,but the brother has no brother.How could that be? word文档中如何把紧密排列的数字序号提行出来,即一个序号一段.例如:1.一二三; 变成:1.一二三;2.二三四;3;三四五.这是数量少,还可以用手动敲击回车;但是如果有成千上万条信息按序 有没有初一至初二英语的词组短语?急用~(尽可能符合人教版的) 初一初二英语与总结人教版 Some of their friends came to see me怎么用双重所有格? 同义句转换:Lucia asked some of her friends to take a trip. 主题为:“Which field can you introduce China to your foreign friends?”的演讲,一分钟内急用,骗积分的哪凉快哪呆着去! My brother dislikes_______(play)basketball,but he likes piaying football用所给单词正确形式填空O__O"… I am ( ) university student.为什么定冠词要用a呢,u不是元音字母吗?到底是什么样的前面要用an. 英语文章I were a pupil before and now I am a university student.…求全文好像是快乐学习 快乐中考的一篇短文 我弟急需 答对有赏分 I am a student,_______I?翻译疑问句 伊斯兰教说什么语言,回民又说什么呢我不是回族,却生活在回族集居地.他们平时说汉语 但有什么活动时说另一种语言 这有很多中东人,印度人,黑人那种 他们和回族都用另一种语言交流 如果