
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 05:31:42
应该是he was born 还是说he born? when was he born关于姚明 He lived he was bornin which when where the place说下为什么拉 when was he born为什么又有was 又有born ___i might have ended up dead.A.were he not to come to the rescure B.should he not come to the---rescure.C.had he not come to the rescure D.if he did not come to the rescure were 和have … been to 区别were you at the butcher's?和 have you been to the cinema?时态好像差不多,可以互带吗?有什么区别?THANKK A was to have B must C were to D ought toI ——come yesterday,but i couldn't.为什么是和将来事实相反而选C? were to have done 造句, I should have come to the movie, but I ______ too busy.(A) was (B) were (C) had been (D) am那位高手帮忙解下题,给个答案.谢谢 英语,it is crucial that those new plants bebe environmentally sound怎么翻译,谢谢 把一个棱长为4厘米的正方体锯成两个长方体,两个长方体表面积的和比原正方体的表表面积增加了( )平方厘 珍惜生命,热爱生活演讲稿. 日本人的母语是英语吗? 生化危机启示录的英文语法感觉好别扭啊,是不是地道的英语母语国的人写的?感觉像是日本人写的什么MUST‘VE啦什么的,感觉不像是地道的英语 there be 和here be都就近吗 orange用形容词变换 like作介词为______,词组___________ .orange作形容词为__________________? those和that的区别 "have come those、that有什么区别? 关于those和that的区别At that time Rome was a city with a standard of living higher than_of any other city in the Western world.A.those B.that 英语句型转换; The language in America didn't change.However,the language in England changed.The language in America______the_____ ______the language in England changed. 英语读后感 40词以下 English is used as the first language in America.English is used as a second language in India.为什么first 前用the 而second 前用a ? At first the language in British and American was the same.我的英语不好 老师让写作文 就只能上网查了 但有些词语我不明白 就请你帮我一下 (我的全部财产都没了……别介意啊……) English is spoken as the main language in America的意思 给残害中国人的日本人写封信(作文)最好是别复制,复制的话最好是拼起来的,水平不用太高, 对于小悦悦事件,日本人说中国人十分冷漠,有什么事例反驳 日本人怎样残害中国人 英语作文,The performance of Chinese and American students in their studies 大约200字 请提供有关“china and me”的英语作文希望提供一些写作的思路及长难句式. 求三部英文电影的影评【英文的】150词左右