
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 21:40:18
RUN-time error 53 file not found我有一个软件没做系统前可以用我装了变系统后怎么就打不开了一点就提示RUN-time error'53':file not found哪个软件在别的机器上就可以用怎么解决不是 朋友 还是 给你吧 第三题单选题英语怎么做 Run-time error'76':Path not found这段话是什么意思? 3题单选题 3题单选题 高二英语单选题,第二题第三题为什么? 铃儿响叮当英文歌词中bob-tail是什么东西?bells on bob-tail ring什么上的铃铛响啊? 用英文表示Bob和Evans的书包,怎么表示1,Bob and Evans' bag2,Bob and Evans's bag3,Bob's and Evans's bag4,Bob's and Evans' bag选哪个 He was too tired to walk any_____(far).这里用further合适还是farther合适? 应聘时自我介绍怎么说啊? 应聘高速公路的自我介绍怎么说 "Are you crazy about English "Mary asked me .老家改成间接引语 初二英语(改为间接引语)The teacher asked me ,"Are you listening to me?"The teacher asked me ____ ____ ____ listening to ____. He is too tired to walk any ____(far).还有一个,那个男孩和你年龄一样.That boy is the _____ ______ ______ you. Is it next to the hotel? u r confidence about ur english?u r confident about ur english?g改用哪个? 根据读音,趣味联想字母.1.Which letter is a drink?It's___________2.Which letter is a part of your body It's_______________________3.Which letter can fly in the sky?It's______________________4.Which letter is yourself?It's___________________5. 背单词的手机软件哪个最好用,可以有联想记忆,单词拼写和读音能联系到一起的 化工方面的问题氢气 氦气 甲烷 液氨的安全标示 以及以上气瓶的日常检查 维护 保养 检验要求 和使用时人员的防护措施 英语翻译The Project Secretary shall ensure that the pertinent issues of appropriate documents are available at all locations where operations are essential to the effective functioning of the quality of the project. 谁推介几个好一点的初中数学练习册或教案含答案的好的有追分 英语翻译At all times,the results of analysis must be interpreted as pertaining tothe samples as they were received at the laboratory. 调剂(化工方面)我今年考的天津大学化学工程的研究生 总分337 单科都过线,想调剂211的学校,希望大家推荐一些,好一点的一本或二本也可以,我本科非211 985 只是一般的省重点 学的是 I am too tired to (walk还是walking) 为什么? kefir is good for your body.里面的Kefir到底是什么东西? 看到h o t o b 你联想到什么,按拼音读音或者首字母联想也可以通过英文单词啊之类的联想,例如b m w 宝马,y a h o o 雅虎等,先谢过各位了 求翻译!化学方面的!Chitosan in 90 NTU synthetic bentonite water of pH 7 was mixed at either 75 rpm or 150 rpm for 20 min, followed by 30 rpm for 20 min. (急)网友的妈妈总把准备上大学的网友当坐小孩.发来帖子提出困惑.写一封建议信.待求给力哥...80词 作文是以幸福为题,我写成了幸福来自乐观的生活态度会扣多少分 高中英语作文,请哥哥姐姐们帮下忙,谢谢!假如你叫Lily,打算与同学Mary一同去大剧院(the Grand Theatre)看电影,你前去送票,碰巧她不在家, 请你就下列内容写一份留言(字数八十到一百之间) 在司马迁想寻死是,是什么名言激励他写史记快快快快,好的加分 刘姥姥逗笑用了什么描写 It took my father over ten hours to fly to London - Wow,______ way it is!A.what long B.how long C.what a long D.how a long