
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 21:42:24
母爱是什么 作文 母爱的力量中我记得读过一句名言,母爱可拯救一切.把这句话改变句型,句子的意思不变. 以母爱为话题运用修辞写一段话 仿写句子以母爱为话题母爱,如一床温暖的被子.再写两句 描写母爱的一段话 仿写句子.例:校园是童年的摇篮.1.生活就是_____2.童年就是_____急 小时候,母爱___________________.长大后,母爱_______________.仿写,例子如下:小时候,乡愁是一枚小小的邮票,我在这头,母亲在那头.长大后,乡愁是一张窄窄的船票,我在这头,新娘在那头. 关于母爱的仿写句子:一次次牵手,一声声叮咛,母亲的呵护似摇篮搬的安适; 仿写句子小时候母爱融在乳液里吮着它香气甜甜.上学后母爱 ,,.长大后藏在枕头里枕着它爱意绵绵 母爱是什么 仿写 仿写母爱是什么例句:母爱是油锅滚沸中,母鳝鱼为保护腹中的鱼卵始终弓起中间身子得的痛苦姿态 对称句式怎么写 句型 母爱如.一次次 父爱是什么,母爱是什么 仿句(必须对称) 一套书打八五折后售价250元,原价是( )[我算了,可就是除不尽]. 英语题目,好心人帮帮忙,今天的作业.1 Little im is oniy five yeors dd.He can`t make mode plance by himself .(合并成一句)Little im is_____young_______moke model.2 She usually walks to school evry day.(改为 1、A rich American went into a shop in London.He wanted very much ___21___ a nice-looking watch.He saw a watch and liked it so much that he decided to buy it.But the owner of the shop asked five hundred dollars for it.___22___ the American was hesit Replace the italicized words with words from the text that best retain the original meaning:1、 Mrs.Davis wrote the article soon after she returned from abroad.2、 The police were determined to find the criminal wherever he might be hiding.3、 The 1、We have been told that under no circumstances __ the telephone in the office for personal affairs.A.may we use B.we may use C.we could use D.did we use 2、He asked_____ since he had been chairman for seven years.A.not to have been re-elected B.t 0.8:三分之一 0.91分之13 16分之5:0.2 化成最简单的整数币,并求出比值还有63:7分之1 4/3比2/5的比值是多少? 为什么比值是1:5怎么算? 当a为何值时,关于x的方程x/3-1/6(x+12a)=5x-2/2 -a的解不小于1 、、、5x-2/2是一个分数 和后面的-a是分开我算出来a≥2/3 对不对啊 解不等式(x^2-x+1)(x^2+5x+6)(x-2)^2>0(x^2-x+1)(x^2+5x+6)(x-2)^2>0 4/3[3/4(1/5x-2)-6]=1 6分之5x-1-2≤4分之x-3 1/6(3×-6)=2/5x-3 x平方-x+1=x平方-x分之6 2X=5X怎么算? 2x-1/0.6-5x+1/0.3=1怎么记算 X^2+1能不能因式分解成X(X+1/X) 因式分解的积的分母能不能含有字母?如果不能,为什么? 2利用因式分解法对下列各式进行分母有理化:3√5+5√3/3√5-5√3;7√5-√7/5√7-√5