
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:34:03
鹿的谚语,就是那个鹿和狮子的! 找一篇关于快就是生命的故事.狮子追鹿,鹿拼命的跑.狮子拼命的追.狮子想:我要是慢了就没饭吃了.鹿想:我要跑慢了就没命了.也可能是其他的动物,例如:狼和羊 或者其他的 where is his baseball 和Where are his baseball的区别 把Where is his pencil.改成复数句 Ten minutes before the competition,l kept ______ myself to calm down.( )Ten minutes before the competition,l kept ______ myself to calm down.A.talking B.enjoyingC.tellingD.making 英语选择Would you like to get down and play in the milk__for a few minutes before we clean it up?A.in B.after C.on D.for原因! "你能给我推荐几首你喜欢的美国乡村音乐吗?"用英语怎么说?我觉得这样说好像不太地到~ 忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开.后来诗句经常被人引用,用来形容什么?按上面回答 can you want to join the 忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开.通过这句话中引用的诗句可以体会出什么我怎在做这道题,我急. I think the medicine i took just now is___(起作用)两个空 怎么填? where are your books 中文意思是什么 北伐战争中,第四军就是新四军吗,人间正道是沧桑中,董建昌就是第四军军长,历史上是谁,叶挺又是怎么回 在英语中,问句里的未知数是写单数还是双数?例:I am going to_____the piano tomorrow afternoon.A.played B.plays C.play 新四军与八路军的由来?区别? 新四军的由来 帮我解释几个词语的由来,八路军,新四军,中央军,晋绥军,北洋兵? 忽入一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开 后两句 八路军,新四军的名字从何而来? He can swim very well,he doesn't want to join the swiming club 茶,tea咋读呢 TEA茶加怎么样 茶矿TEA MINE怎么样 ( ) 32.I don’t think the newly-directed film by Zhaowei is as interesting as people say,_______?A.do you B.isn’t it C.is it D.don’t you I don't think the newly-directed film by Zhao Wei is as interesting as people say,__C__?(2013,黄石) A.do you B.isn't it C.is it D.don't you 为啥 新四军是什么时候成立的? 新四军是怎么成立的,与八路军共同存在吗? 八路军是哪一年,新四军是哪一年,哪个先建立的? what time 和what is time 有何区别 1939年11月建立的新四军江南指挥部位于具体位置及建立者 shop的现在分词是什么? I don’t think the film is wonderful.()a、Do you think so?b、Why not?c、So do I.d、Yes ,of course.选哪个