
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 15:03:01
不同植物的种子基本结构是一致的吗? 描写梅花不畏严寒的成语记住:这些成语要表现出梅花不畏严寒的品质!是成语或四字词语! 描写梅花生存环境成语 几道英语改错题1、She is my older sister.2、It's late enough that we can go home now.3、I want to know whether you come to my party or not tomorrow.4、What he said are right.5、The schoolmaster and writer are coming.6、This is the room in 平衡力在同一条直线吗?行驶的汽车摩擦力和牵引力不在啊? 形容长相的成语 形容长相一般的成语形容女性的 形容女生长相的成语有哪些? 描写人性格品质的成语描写人性格品质的成语描写人性格品质的成语描写人性格品质的成语描写人性格品质的成语描写人性格品质的成语描写人性格品质的成语描写人性格品质的成语4个描写 描写人的性格品质的成语chenyu 描写:外貌,举止,语言,品格,神态,性情,内心的成语各五个 大家帮忙看看几道英语改错题.急~1.Studies show that about 7percentage of men and 1 percent of women have antisocial prlblems.(1 mistake) 这里是percentage 和percent 用法有区别么,是这里错了么?2.The coach was angry because he ①∫(上限为正无穷,下限为0)1/(x^2+4x+5)dx②∫(上限为正无穷,下限为0)x/(1+x^2)dx③∫(上限为正无穷,下限为0)(x^3)(e^(-x^2))dx④∫(上限为1,下限为0)lnx/xdx这几个函数分别是收敛还是发散的? 设f(x)在闭区间[a,b]上连续,x1,x2,...,xn是区间[a,b]上的点,求证在区间[a,b]上至少存在一点t,使得f(t)=(1/n)f(x1)+(1/n)f(x2)+...+(1/n)f(xn). 后轮驱动的汽车在平直路面上向前加速行驶,地面对后轮的摩擦力方向是?对前轮的摩擦力方向是?请补充具体说明 前轮驱动的汽车在平直路面上向前匀速行驶时,它的前后轮受到的摩擦力的方向是: 后轮驱动的汽车前后轮受到摩擦力的方向是?很多人用假设光滑法解释前轮,但为什么后轮又不能按相同的方法解释呢?求多种解法! 英语改错题(速度)A frenchman was once visiting LonDon.He wishedto take a walk to see a city.But he wsa afraid he mightget lost because he did know not word of English.Sobefore he left his hotel,he stopped at the first corner andcarefully co 英语改错题速度啊(Let me) (have a look) (your photos),(OK)?A B C D哪里错误,找出错误并改正. 英语改错题....One day in the restaurant where I worked,I am serving a( 括号内填写答案,下同 )table of four and each person had ordered the different( )kind of fish.There plate were already on the table when( )the man closest to me pointi 1.What paintings can I see on the festival2.The hero saves a girl has been taken away by a bad man3.What a fun it is to go swimming now!4.The noise they heard sounded like a woman cry5.The park will hold an art festival6.He came to his old friend in 几个英语改错题,we must plan our spare time well,or we will end up to do nothing in our life.i am very surprised realizing that i exist in other people's minds.SHALL we help him out the bad situationWHAT made him puzzle was the plural forms of 现在生存的每一种生物,都具有与其生活环境相适应的形态结构和生活方式.这说明生物的适应性是 . 高数,傅里叶级数 可入药的动植物的药用价值?蜈蚣、蜜蜂、黑蚂蚁、熊、灵芝、银杏、紫苏、人参这八样东东的药用价值是什么尼? 动植物对我们的药用价值 动植物的生活环境包括()()和().不需要太详细,只要把需要的列出来就好了 10种动植物的生活习性和生活环境要简略,越简略越好 与生活环境相适应的动植物为了生存环境而改变的动植物比如仙人掌之类的,有哪些? 表现人物表情,动作,心理活动的成语各二十个 越快越好快的我加到100分 我的分多表明是什么类型的 苔藓植物的形态结构是什么? 苔藓类植物的形态结构和作用在生物圈里的作用