
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 01:17:17
You are so fast Are you t.after running根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 1.running you why are(?)连词成句 the farthest distance in the world ,is not the distance betweenlife and death but you don`t konw麻烦翻译下 浣溪沙张孝祥中下阕运用了什么艺术手法,赏析 浣溪沙 洞庭(张孝祥所作)哪里用到了比喻的修辞?有知道的吗? 天才是怎么样练成的,不要说勤奋. 武则天的无字碑给人以无限的遐想.你能否用所学的知识为武则天写一篇碑文呢? 武则天的无字碑给人以无限的遐想.你能否用所学的知识为武则天写一篇碑文呢? 帮忙给武则天的无字碑上写一篇碑文!一定要是碑文,不是无字碑的介绍! I said something i have no idea where it came from. Grace,don't go out in the (snow) weather 天才是怎么练成的? 怎怎么做可以成为英语天才 天才 谁帮我翻译成英文 英语翻译 消磨意志的 形式如time-wasting英语怎么说, 天书奇谈天赋技能可以练出来吗水魔爆之类的,宝宝没有,升级以后能有吗 海洋技术的两个核心标志 设计一个“小海豚”杯科技节活动.主题为“探密海洋”的标志谁能帮我设计一个啊?而且还得有设计意图说明哦.发我QQ邮箱哦:562717513 硝酸镧滴定氟离子用什么指示剂? 钙离子会什么会影响硝酸钍滴定氟离子 用滴定法测量水中氯离子要用什么试剂? 中国开始走向海洋的重要标志是a大秦王安敦使者从海道来到中国b张骞开通通往西亚和欧洲的"丝绸之路"c“海上丝绸之路“的开通d甘英出使大秦,到达波斯湾哪一个是对的 请英语达人解答,本句由语法错误吗?有的话如何更改使其更地道?句子是:In my opinion,the reason is not only that the Super Voice Girls'slim figures and special voice take our breath away but also that the pop culture plays an 谁能用Y和S给我设计一个LOGO啊谢谢了,100大洋哦! 哪位达人能帮我看看这个回答有没有语法错误?或者有没有什么更地道的说法能表达我的意思?Q:Do you think college life will have great influence on your future and why?A:Yes,of course.Firstly,I can learn something t 请达人帮忙看看下面这句话有没有语法错误谢谢Most fortunate to me in 2012,I met you again after 3 years. It is worth mentioning that I has been studying in Class for Honors Bachelor of Physical Science,which is set up by School of Chemistry and Materials Science,educating creative students with comprehensive theoretical knowledge as well as experimental my mother c____ about me very much.英语老师, Kate seems ____(worry)about her mother The road is very ____(widely) Lucy is much ____(shy)than LilKate seems ____(worry)about her mother .The road is very ____(widely).Lucy is much ____(shy)than Lily. 1he worries about his exam(考试)用yesterday改写句子 2he is very lucky he saw his mother 改为同义3he (went fishing)last monday对括号内提问4he grew something on the farm改为否定句5our trip was (very great)对括号提 NaOH可以溶于什么有机溶剂?是有机溶剂!