
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 18:59:33
如何看待读书无用论? 读书无用论正确吗 give me some dos and don'ts if you 特别是dos 和 如果是口语那么能否写出原型?(比如 sup= what's up)正确的再给高分! The Halloween party usually starts (at about 8 p.m.)对括号内的提问 When is Halloween? They usually hold a Halloween party 什么 the evening October 31st. The Halloween party usually ( )(finish) at about 10p.m. 学完 新东方新概念四册 后是什么水平我英语不怎么样,是大二的学生,想很快的提高英语水平,不知道如果我自学 新东方新概念4册的话,大概需要多长时间,如果好好学,学的差不多的话,那学完 新概念4册学完了,到底达到什么水平?我估算了一下,新概念4册学完了,大概也就4000多一点的单词了,但很多人怎么说可以超过6级以上的水平呢? Tom is doing some shopping in the supermarket now.(对doing some shopping提问) 在万圣节前夕,人们总是穿上万圣节服装参加聚会.英文 People always ()() in costumes and go to ()()Halloween太急了, 学完英语新概念第一册要达到什么水平才可以?新概念第一册必须要学会哪些?听.说.读.写.必须要达到什么水平才能上新概念二? what is the main idea of the whole 学完新概念第一册,英语能达到什么水平? 口语中 不好意思我们这里没有你找的这个人 用英语怎么说 爱国理性比激情重要 辩论赛 怎么反驳对方 对方是激情重要 there is no one else that i can say this to and there is nothing better than to talk to you出自哪首是《新成长的烦恼》第二季第16集的歌 They have math at 9:15.(就画线部分提问)at 9:15是画线部分 People usually give _____or fruit to the ____at Halloween小学四年级下册第6-8课考卷 中文意思是The system is busy now,we suggest you System is busy,Please wait! System SYSTEM. What't the main idea of the movie?希望大家能用150左右的单词回答,谢谢了 Thirteen is not as good as one,but it's better than nothing什么意思 nothing better than nothing is better than 翻译It is crucial that I study for it because it makes up 30% of the final examIt is crucial that I study for it because it makes up 30% of the final exam 这句话的结构是什么 什么叫做形式主语 什么叫做真正主语 在句子 根据首字母填空People in the USA never eat (m ) at Halloween. I really need it because I have a math test ------algebra tomorrow a lesson -----history 用on 和about 填空 I used to -----late for school 我过去上学常迟到maybe it means you ’re ---too much homework I am afraid to-----alone〔根据 be a I really need it because I have a math test tomorrow.从句中为什么不用一般将来时?有哪些状语从句可用一般现在时表将来的?举例说明一下. At Halloween,people ____ the USA ____lanterns____ _____pumpkins.(在横线上填上合适的单词!)