
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 00:44:24
哪部电子词典能够整句翻译又方便用,又能准确将一整句汉语句子翻译成英语. 英语电子词典能整句翻译和发音的,价位是300左右的,最好可以下载更新的 有整句翻译的印度尼西亚语电子词典吗? 电子词典,步步高9588整句翻译问题步步高9588的整句翻译准不准?和电脑机器上的比呢?我那次写了个“我看好你呦”翻译处的是“I look after you'' 翻译的对吗? What do you think of music?要回答多一点哦! what do you think of the music,Fred?It ( )wonderful A:smells B:tastes C:seems D:sounds 选哪个?理由 9月10日月亮旁边最亮的星星是什么星?在浙江看每天都加夜班,回家路上不经意抬头常能看见一颗明亮的星星伴在月亮左右,月亮边的星星有什么规律没有? 堂吉诃德的主要内容200多字] 快 堂吉诃德的一些情节简洁概括 《堂吉诃德》的主要内容 what do you think of pop music改为同义句 What do you think of ----music aboard AMary studyingBMary’s studiesCMary’s studyingDMary is studying You mustn't listento MP4 in class.改为祈使句 初中英语作文,中午稿已成,跪求大神翻译友谊大家好,又轮到我演讲了,今天我想谈谈友谊,一个人的一生中会有很多个朋友.有的朋友很熟悉,有得到仅仅只知道个名字.但无论怎样的朋友,都是建 初中英语,短文填空,求大神 英语翻译Do you have such symptoms as a trivial thing mood became very bad do not want to speak not speaking to people feel the burden is heavy to beat feeling all the troubles all of a sudden up cut lacrimal gland expands extremely unclear heart 推荐几本好的英语杂志! I like sleeping with windows open at night .分析下这句子 还有 windows 为什么用复数 You'd better keep the windows open when you are_____ A sleeping B asleep dig out的中文意思 关于北魏孝文帝改革影响不正确的事:A加速北方各族封建化的过程B促进北方民族大融合C促使北方经济的恢复和发展D促进黄河流域的统一 You mustn't talk in the class. please keep the windows open为什么不是opening?上网查了两个都是形容词啊? We 'd better keep the doors and windows open/opening/opened/to open because it'stoo hot today. 英语翻译So if you want to have a good memory,learn from the people:practise remembering.不要机译, There _____(not be) much milk in the bottle. ( )(there be) much milk in the bottle. There is much fruit in the refrigerator 对much提问 he would like to have the windows open.句中的have怎么翻译 还有句he rarely leaves the window open he would like to be a lawyer when he grows up保持原句意思 he( )( )be a lawyer when he grow up He would like to be a lawyear when he grows up.原意 He ()()be a lawyear when she grow up. How long does it take you to v填什么the zoo