
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 16:19:00
puppy是什么意思 x 的4次方,5次方如何写呀,搜狗输入法中的特殊字符中只能写到3次方 hey的意思 我是男性 如果我是六指患者 与正常女孩结婚 后代遗传六指的概率是多少如果生女儿 一定被遗传吗 go out please translateLet's all go out for foodwhat's the meaning of "go out" 一个女性色么基因携带者与正常男子结婚,其子女患病情况1 女孩可能是色盲2子女全部色盲3子女全部正常4男孩1/2正常帮我画出遗传图分析分析 i am going to have to tell her what is on my mind的意思是什么?请了解的朋友帮帮忙 请看看这几个句子对不对?重点是时态1.I've bought a new car. Do you want to see it?2.I'm looking for Mike. Have you seen him?3.I'm very hungry. I haven't eaten anything today. 英语高手来帮我检查下这句话的时态Most of the Chinese value it as one of their most invigorating moments when Mr.Samaranch announced that the host of the 2008 Olympics Games is the city of Beijing.这里我写的is the city of Beijing 硫酸铜字母表示. Loving me for who I to sing the english song well is very diffcult同义句---very diffcult ------ --------the english song well 有谁可以给我解释一下《那些回不去的年少时光》的结局? 那些回不去的年少时光的结局?结局大家觉得应该和谁在一起呢,感觉这样的结局有些不完整,但也许只是我这样觉得, 成吉思汗,忽必烈,郑成功,松赞干布,康熙是 什么朝人 You wanna make this personal?Fine!So be it是什么意思 It's fine work.what do you make of it?picoso's?请翻译一下这个句子,还有为什么用work?work翻译成著作时不是可数名词吗?不是应该用works 或a work吗? Go ahead,please. 余闻而愈悲.孔子曰:苛政猛于虎.吾尝疑乎是.今以蒋氏观之余闻而愈悲.孔子曰:“苛政猛于虎.”吾尝疑乎是.今以蒋氏观之 Which of the three cities is ___ (pretty)?Sadly,the patient is getting ____(bad)? Who can make sentences for me with "sound out"RT.and translate into Chinese Why not go bowling with us,John?A.Yes,please B.Sounds great C.Go ahead D.Thank you who can make sentences with "space out"? ( )I don't want to have dinner tonight.A,yes,please B,why not?C,that's all right D,Ok,go ahead figure for 用法是什么 请问口语中figure的用法 最近看的电影中反复出现这个词如I figured if you stood me up,then i should have something to read.Figure I'll live as long as I can.I can figure out. joyeux怎么读?法语joyeux这个单词单独怎么读? I’m interested in that chair.How much do you want for it?-$25.00.-_________A.The chair is really nice.B.That's too much.C.Please sit down.D.Nobody will have it except me. joyeux no05l怎么读 I don't want that muchthat做状语吗?还有没有其他例子,多举些例子, 哪些回不去的年少时光 那些回不去的年少时光