
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/10 17:00:17
use sth to do sthPlease use your pens to finish your papers in the exam.Please ________ your papers ________ your pens in the exam. 读《圆明园的毁灭》后想到了什么 急啊!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 榴莲用英语翻译过来是榴莲 civet durian还是榴莲 durian? 14.i'm interested in __a____you have said.a.all that b.all what c.that d.which为什么D不行? 求翻译:为什么这个榴莲干我尝不出榴莲的味道啊? I have ——(complete)forgotten what my mother told me. 榴莲用德语翻译,榴莲怎么说帮下我吧 快乐大脚2观后感 700字写后告我qq,50QB立马充过去 简叙‘乐不思蜀’的故事 -I apologize for not being able to join you for dinner.-________,we’ll get together later.A.Go-I apologize for not being able to join you for dinner.-________,we’ll get together later.A.Go ahead B.Not to worry C.That’s right D.Don’t mention i -I apologize for not being able to join you for dinner.-_____,we'll get together later.B.not to worryD.don't mention it为什么选B不选D.D不是说“不要在意”吗? I must apologize for not letting you know earlier. 句子成分分析,另外为什么know不用非谓语形态,是做谓语? 求初三历史上册1到5单元的知识要点,每课的就是1到16课的要华东师大版的不要太多,抄不了,百度文库的太多了,能少点就少点, 关于第一次工业革命.问(1)什么事件推动19世纪的英国真正成为了“世界工厂”?你认为这一事件的实质是什么?(2)举出两例在这场革命期间其他国家和地区爆发的“伴随着刀光剑影和血腥 我是高一的!正在进行英语段考,希望能帮我写篇作文!谢谢!我在线等! 书面表达,题目:Supposing today is sunday.You and your classmates went uot. Please write a diary about your day in the park according to following: Date:S 现在我高一了.英语150分的只考50分.求求你们,我该怎么办.我想考到120,请你们把诀窍告诉我吧.谢谢 请问要怎样让自己学起英语? Please excuse me for my being nervous Please excuse my/me coming late.请原谅,我来迟了这句话的 宾语是 带逻辑主语的动名词短语, 但 my/me 这是 两个都可以使用的意思吗? 即 Please excuse me coming late 和 Please excuse my coming late 都对 ? 三国中以少胜多的有哪些 三国演义中有几个以少胜多的故事,分别是第几回? Steven told me all that had happened这里that有什么必要? ( ) told me what had happened.A.No one of them B.No one C.None D.No anyone选什么,为什么 The boy told the police what had happened to him and his mother _____next morningA / B the C at D on the请问什么时候不要用介词on等也可以表时间? 面对危急情况,伯瑙德夫人一家为了保护情报,分别怎样做的呢? 读了《生死攸关的烛光》你想到了什么词语? 英语翻译1.Cleansing2.Face powder3.Pact4.Lip Flash5.Blusher6.Cover stick7.Hair Wax8.Hair gel9.Teatree10.Mascara11.Manicure12.Remover 守株待兔是贬义词还是中性词 请帮忙翻译几个化妆品的英文单词~!我有一套外国的化妆品,都是英文的,看不懂,请大家帮忙翻译一下~!1.hand and nail cream 2. body butter Pop music is good to dance .这句话对吗?如果对的话,它和Pop music is good to dance to.含义一样,还是有什么区别?谢谢! 问的同义词是什么 问大家几个同义词清清楚楚老老实实认认真真密密麻麻