
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:35:21
改错题;1 Can you lend me a pen to write?2 He hurted hie hand because he was careless.每句只有一个错 He was nervouns because I n______ his hands wHe was nervouns because I n______ his hands were shaking. 谢谢 如果careless是形容词,那作业中为什么会有because of his careless 请问be going to school 和 be going to go to school的意思是否相同,个人感觉第一句是省略了第二个go to she's getting bigger,and round as a ball. I will meet a friend in shanghai.2.I want to meet you here.在这里,不需要用in here TROLLEY, he's asked his parents for a bike her his birthday请问这句话怎么改才会是正确的啊, Iwould like to talk to people.the people kook friendly合并为一个句子 why did he went shopping yesterday 对不 我星期六有空,可以帮助老人 l____ ____ ____saturday,and l can help ____ old people Our school has two new school buses.同义句 ( )( )two new school buses ( )our school ___ boats to school ___ ___ ___ ___ ___fun __ __ buses get rid of school buses 靖与康与下列哪一历史事件有直接的关系 A.北宋的建立 B.澶渊之盟 C.陈桥兵变 D.金灭北宋 与宋朝建立有关的历史事件是什么?A.陈桥兵变 B.澶渊之盟 C.郾城之战 D.割幽云十六州与宋朝建立有关的历史事件是什么?A.陈桥兵变 B.澶渊之盟 C.郾城之战 D.割幽云十六州 下列各项,与赵匡胤无关的是() A陈桥兵变 B建立北宋 C用文臣做知州 D澶渊之盟 《芙蓉楼送辛渐》是谁写的寒雨连江夜入吴,平明送客楚山孤.洛阳亲友如相问,一片冰心在玉壶. 请问windy and windy and windy and 芙蓉楼送辛渐这首诗表达了什么样的感情 芙蓉楼送辛渐这首诗中的如是什么意思 WATERFRONT怎么样 WATERFRONT CAFE怎么样 move the box osaka 45怎么过~ WATERFRONT RESTAURANT怎么样 什么是waterfront gang size?有关码头航运的,有谁知道请解释下, 翻译下这英文when you come near please listen carefull those shivering leaves are the passion of my something和valuable.意思有什么不同?形容人用哪个词?比如说(某某人名)是个有价值的人.帮我把这句翻译成英文喔! 系动词1.coffee is ready.How nice it______!Would you like some?A.looks B.smells C.sounds D.feels2.in winter the days_______colder and colder.A.gets B.getting C.got D.get3.he______pale at the thought.A.got B.looked C.turned D.seemed4.---What is Mr W The police (look)at the scene for other clues these填空