
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 16:22:06
“圆舞曲之王”约翰.施特劳斯与“圆舞曲之父”老约翰.施特劳斯是什么关系? kitty、Kitty的意思, 约翰施特劳斯 Hejjo 现在完成进行时和将来完成进行的区别 忘记的反义词 用英语来回答 安静反义词用英语怎么写 单句改错 Some of the girls I invited them did not come the last day in Wuxi was gone是什么意思 the focus.was 惘惘尘寰随风散,悠悠因果皆随缘 的意思 where going to the internet cafe late at night,i always left my dedroom lamp on_my parents think i_A.making;would studyB.to make;was studyC.being making;had studiedDmade;hade been studying另外请给解释,错题本摘抄用. My parents want me go home early改错 求翻译:And the feel of his sex as it rode his thigh. 今有长度为2cm,3cm,4cm,5cm,6cm的线段各一条,如果以其中的三条作为三边作三角形.(1)三边中为3cm的三角形有几个?(2)三边中两边分别是3cm,4cm的有几个?(3)一共可做几个不同的三角形?(要有 把这几条句子连词成句 ①favourite you was animal waht ②train rode we a yesterday③did land they what in do animal④visite last we aunt week our⑤at lunch we restaurant a had 连词成句 favourite your was animal?What train rode We a yesterday. 下面一则新闻有两处语病,请改正本报桂平3月5日电 今日,桂平市举办”创先争优学雷锋暨千名干部下基层“志愿服务系列活动启动仪式.随后,该市志愿服务人员逾万人,分别摆摊设点或走进基 Have you seen her () photos ()(recent) father's,hobby,newsapaper,my,is,reading ______________ doesn't,Helen,reading,like,a,magazine ______连词成句 有四条线段分别为4cm,2cm,3cm,1cm,其中的哪三条线段能够围成一个三角形 已知四条线段长度分别是1cm、2cm、3cm、4cm任取三条线段能构成的三角形有几个 We couldn't work it out .里的"it"指代什么?是work吗?请翻译一下这个句子 My parents wanted me _____ good marks.A.get B.getting C.have got D.to get log3(log3 27)=?3都是底数 log3 63-log3 7 3是底数 my parents后应该选什么Aincluded Bcontaining Cincluding D contained My parents什么意思 My parents are( ).A.shop works B.shops workers C.shops worker D.a shop worker2.Where is the bank,please?A.on the leftB.in front ofC.near toD.on right log4为底数(log3为底数^81)+3^log3为底数^5 log3 4=x,求x(3为底数) 四棱锥A-BCDE中,底面BCDE为矩形,侧面ABC⊥底面BCDE,BC=2,CD=根号2,AB=AC,证明:AD⊥CE