
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 05:15:59
用jump down 造个句吧jump down是不及物动词,我想知道后面怎么跟的 He usually goes to__hospital to examine his teeth .A.a B.the C./ 你的善良让我记住了你,作文700字左右.要有题记.不要抄袭的 爱与被爱 爱与被爱,真正的爱情是什么呢? 英文动画片配音 女生,声音有点细,语速较快,推荐几部动画片才艺展示的部分,想动画配音但不知道用哪部,希望大家根据我的声音条件推荐几部(请具体到片段)单人配.能调动气氛的.高三到 找一部适合五个女生配音的英文短片,最好是动画片,语速慢点的,急…… 求个4个人可以配音的英语电影片段~时长是10分钟,要语速慢点,简单易懂的英语电影片段.要有英语字幕.谁能帮找个4个人配音的英语电影片段 .时长10分钟左右的 .语速别太快 ,里面的英语简单 英语作文.初二下册的..第一单元robot的...二十年以后的我..要有机器人. 英语配音比赛,10分钟左右6个人的,知道的哥哥姐姐帮帮忙 ______ after supper can keep us fit.A walking B walk C To walk ______ after supper can keep us healthy.A walk B.walking 《欧也妮葛朗台》3000字读后感 麻烦语法高手帮我改一下Book JournalA brother’s Journey,written by Richard B.Pelzer is an astonishing book.No matter if you look from the way he sets the story or the way he told the story,it was perfect.The memories of mine told me that s 这是我自己写的,麻烦大家帮我改下语法上的错误把Hello,everyone,I am very pleased to introduce my work which is named for 《maze in mind》.It produced by Photoshop.Maybe you can think of it's name through the screen.Head has a maz 跪求2009年浙江五年级上册语文和数学期末卷.最好是内部人员透漏啊..跪求2009年浙江五年级上册语文和数学期末卷.最好是内部人员透漏啊..跪求2009年浙江五年级上册语文和数学期末卷.最好是 2009年浙江省东阳市初三上册数学统考试卷答案有没有? 英文,挑错I am lily,a middle school girl,whose brother is 14 years old这句话是正确的吗 英语挑错 Dear host family We are glad that you chose our daughter.As soon as we think our daughter will be with you for ten months time,our hearts full of gratitude,although we will miss her very much.Our daughter is a healthy and happy,optimisti 给两句英文挑错1,Because we have heard from these good advice from doctors,to matain a healthy and strong body,people should eat as many kinds of food as possible to get all the nutrition we need.2,we should develope a good living habit by taki 英语挑错It looks bright blew in the sunlight because 1.( )about 70%of it is covered with watter 2.( ) At night the Earth is dark but astranaut can still 3.( )see the millons of electric lite in our cities.4.( ) 找出4个错,每 宿舍有七个人,六个是上下册都买,第七个只买上册,上册26.8元,下册是22.9元,全部加起来是325但当当100减20那就是285了请问那六个人各给多少,那只买上册的又该给多少?告诉我结果和你们是怎么 英语帮忙来挑错1.Hiking is fun and exciting,but you shouldn't forget safety.2.Rafting is a good way to experience nature.3.Looking up at the large head and down at the large feet makes you feel so small.4.knowing them will help youmake a good i 复习题17 的所有答案, 我想要提高有关数学的解题能力的书,我需要的书是有关那些几何代数综合的,函数综合,还有那种阅读理解题的(新概念),想通过一定的题量来提高自己的数学解答题的能力.请问有那种书符 急需两篇英语作文,120词以上的.题目分别是,要大一水平的即可When you help others do you expect a reward?Why or why not?Do you have any idols or which famous person do you admire most?Give your reasons. 求两篇英语作文,450——600词,要求本科大一水平可以说电影观后感,书的读后感……等等,以及其他,随意发挥,十万火急! 浙江名卷新课标人教版五年级上册数学第一单元试卷A卷有没有一步步解释的 谁能够给我浙江名卷新课标人教版五年级上册数学第一单元试卷A卷的全部答案,要完整 请各位英语高手来为我挑错!本人写了一篇英语文章,自知其中有很多错误与不足之处.所以请各位英语高手来为我挑错.文章在我空间里各位在挑错时最好能提供相关的依据。 英语小小作文挑错~The NIRVANAI dont't know why so many people like them very.Or maybe i just can't enjoy their music...One of my friend told me that he love this band very much.Then I seach sth about them and I found many people love their mus shebly翻译出来是什么意思,这个单词怎么读,有汉语说一下