
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:12:35
女生喜欢男生讲什么?做什么?才会主动聊起来!怎么带动男女正常交往的一种气氛? The pandas _______(main) live on bamboos.用所给词的正确形式填空 it?(discover) that the giant pandas are endangered. do you know why giant pandas are endangered回答为什么 I bought a hat my sister.A...for B...on C...in D...with I bought a hat for my sister 的同义句 I bought a toy to her和I bought a toy for her的区别? Your composition is good but your handwriting still requires improved.改错! How's your homework going,millie?_______ A.l'm still doing it B.Yes,that's OK C.oh,it's boringD.That's all right How is it that your composition is the same as Lucy's请翻译这句话 英语选择_____________-----I'm still doing itA.What are you designing?BHow are you Cwhat are you D.How is your homework doing now who speak at the meeting=? 《养兰说》说明了什么道理,用自己的话简要回答 still 后边加to do 还是doingstill+to do还是doing? began后跟doing的形式还是to do 不定式 We all made him _____ head of our class .A.the B.a C.one D./ 此时此刻 我耳边又回响着 我眼前又浮现出 仿写此时此刻,我耳边又回响着( );我眼前又浮现出( )…… 造句:此时此刻,我耳边又回响着---------------;我眼前又浮现出----------------------------. 此时此刻,我耳边又回响着.我眼前又浮现出.造句 此时此刻,我耳边又回响这老师的淳淳教导,我眼前又浮现出( ). summer对应词 summer同类词 英语中people一词是单数还是复数,在与“speak"搭配时需不需要加s? 英语 people是复数还是单数,the people is hard 这句对吗 小学古诗背诵一览表 什么叫 I am feeling Love for you? 别人对你说这话什么意思? I see two elephants over there.(改为一般疑问句) 道家认为:天下柔者莫过于水,而能攻坚者又莫胜于水.水蕴含着深厚的哲学意味.试从不同的角度思考水,并选择其中一个角度写一篇议论文. 英语15.If you don’t take away all your things15.If you don’t take away all your things from the desk, there won’t be enough _______ for my stationery.a.area b.place c.room d.surface为什么 小学数学知识重点有哪些 What do you think of advertisement要2到3分钟的free talk,谢谢了各位,急求啊.急求是口语考试的哦 一道英语选择 Who __at the meeting yesterday and what ___he ____at the meetingA said,does,say B spoke,did,speak C says,did,say D spoke,did,say