
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/10 15:45:55
我叫名字是玲取什么英文名好听? 丽玲的英文名怎么叫好听 “Do you prefer the red shirt or the blue one ,Mary ”asked her mother .改宾从Mary `s mother asked Mary ___ she ___ the red shirt or blue one 直接引语改为间接引语:Mary asked her father,"Will you give me a ride tomorrow morning?" You can a ___Mary for her photo. 空乘面试英文自我介绍那位好心人帮忙翻译一下;我叫***今年17岁,在生活中我喜欢笑,我认为笑也是一种生活的态度.在困难面前我不会退缩,能够成为一位漂亮的空姐是我从小到大的一个愿望. 艺考英语自我介绍,明天用.我是学国际文化交流的,介绍一下爱好什么的,全面一点.大概1至2分钟 How far does he live___school? Who put forward a theory 将某种盐A的水溶液,加热蒸发至干,再加热后仍得到盐A的是() A.K2SO4 B.CuCL2 地址 about: 小时代2青木时代 顾里的生日会上南湘为什么敲两下杯子 Does Yang live far away fomo the school? The twins and their mother live in a park in Guangzhou什么意思 纪伯伦的《浪之歌》,帮我仿写第五段 下面就是例子 曾有多少次,当美人鱼从海底钻出海面,坐在礁石上欣赏星空时,我围绕她们跳过舞;曾有多少次,当有情人向俊俏的少女倾诉自己为爱情所苦 Man Next Door 歌词 my next door neighbor johnson seems to have ____opinion on the show last nighta.rather the strongb.rather strongc.a rather strongd.the rather strong答案选c为什么? 毒性最强的蛇生活在陆地上还是海洋里? 童年是旭阳,老年是夕阳,岁月是充满变幻的风云,理想则是人生永远的北斗.以英名与事业为话题,另写一组句子. 大家happy new year 世界上最毒的蛇,是在陆地上还是在海里面? There is nothing noble in being superior to some other man.The true nobility is in being superior There is noting noble in being superior to some other men,the ture nobility is being superiou to ..帮我翻译一下 The question————human being can enter space with a man-made ladder puzzled all the people all over world .A .what B.which C.that D.whether是不是选D啊~如果不是的话给我讲讲原因吧... Justin Bieber 的happy new year 的英文歌词和汉译 Are you free tonight? this is crystal.do you tonight free?we are having a movie night 如何礼貌地用英语恢复(地道的) Since you are free tonight ,why not ____ my invitation to the party 为什么用 consider 而不是 accept 童年是旭日,老年是夕阳,岁月充满变幻的风云,理想则是人生永恒的北斗.出生是天明,死亡是天黑,旅程布满难辨的岔道,智慧则是生命永恒的雷达 意思 I miss my friend never这句话对不对 I miss my old friend sometimes=I miss my old friend ___ ___ ___ ___ 帮忙设计一下“happy new year"做手抄报用的.