
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/21 03:08:50
先化简,再求值:(x²-1)/(x+2) ÷ (1/x+2 -1),其中x=1/3. C语言中表示一个数是完全平方数的代码? 甲乙丙三个数平均数是150,甲数是48,丙数与乙数相同,求乙数 北京申奥成功的原因经济,自然条件等区位因素分析 说明文的修辞方法 北京申奥成功的场面 北京申奥成功了作文当时我写是这样的,写看新闻的感受,其实我没看申奥成功的新闻,只是写如何的激动,这是一件如何好的事情.但是如果我现在来写,我可能会写,这个对经济的一些帮助,和对 问到初一数学用二元一次方程题做的题!一种蔬菜X千克,不加工直接出售每千克可卖y元,如果经过加工重量减少20%,价格增加了40%,问这x千克蔬菜加恭候可卖多少钱?如果这种蔬菜1000千克,不加 123是什么意思? 123是什么意思?拜托了各位 谢谢 the little girl oftenb wore jeans in the past.the little girl( )( )( )jeans(改为同义句)还有一个:the old man slept.the window was open.(合并为一句话) The little girl often wore a skirt in the pastThe little girl _______ _______ ________ a skirt The little girl was often late for school in the past.(改为同义句) the little girl often played the piano in the past 改同义句 The little girl ____ ______ ___the pian The little girl was often late for school in the past.改同义句The little girl______________________late for school. -Tom won the first prize in the competition.-He __ it because he is the most hardworking student.A.needsB.deservesC.is sure ofD.should get选B,请帮我分析一下, -Tom got the first prize in the English competition.-_.He had never done better.A.It's unlikely.B.It's quite impossible.C.It's quite something.D.You're joking我需要详细的解析,把每个选项能选或是不能选的理由告诉我. 夸张、对比、反语、引用的句子各写5个,要好! 给我一些句子做下参考吧, 有没有比较适合做网名的诗句 用5五个英语句子介绍诗的种类和特点 关于x的方程ax的平方—根号a乘x+2=0是一元二次方程,则a满足何值? The little girl often f____ the chickens rice. the little girl often gets_____(lose) Tom ran very fast and he won first prize in the r Tom t himself and made great progress in English 句子的分类 分类别的句子句子不要太逆天了. 关于句子种类 已知x2+2x+k=-1的实数解为x1,x2,且x1(1-x2) 矿泉水一瓶多少钱. 一瓶矿泉水多少钱? 已知sin(α+π/4)=12/13,a属于(π/2,π),求cos2α