
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 17:06:48
北斗七星属于哪个星座?准确! 英语翻译我想问一下王先生的手机号码是多少.然后因为明天李先生要来北京与王先生开会,所以想问一下如何与王先生碰头.同时李先生想知道一下ABC公司的具体地址. 英语翻译a lot of children in the u.s.live part of their young lives with only one parent.请帮忙翻译,并请说出主语和动词在哪,我怎么看不出来.with one parent到底是做补语还是状语,怎样区分补语和状语呢? 英语翻译1 我妹妹是在农村长大的(主谓)2 他拿出一瓶啤酒,并将其很快喝完.(主谓宾)3 下学期谁叫你们生物(主谓间宾 宾补) 请问各位大侠市场上卖的桶装水是纯净水好还是矿泉水好? 小熊座仙后座天鹅座大熊座同时出现在什么季节kuai 请问大熊座,小熊座,仙后座,牧夫座,天鹰座,天鹅座的星图怎么画(请给出示意图!) 大熊座,小熊座,仙后座,北极星的绘图 大熊座与小熊座的区别 告诉你什么是矿泉水,天然水,蒸馏水,矿物质水,纯净水 市场上有各种饮用水:如纯净水、矿泉水、蒸馏水、矿物质水、天然水等等,请问它们之间的具体区别是什么? 英语翻译希望词语尽量通顺点,大概是这个意思就行.1.a little birthday wish...2.Its your birthday...3.for someone very special for every star in the sky...4.a birthday is special.especially when its yours!5.to my friend allthe little 下面这几句英语怎么翻译成中文?1.what a different man he is from what he was two years ago!2. i felt slightly disappointed at what he said to me;he could have been a little bit earlier though.3.the flood rushed through the streets and swe 英语翻译客户要求更改公司的付款人,请取消之前的申请重新开一张发票. 方程2x+1=7与a­3分之x‐4﹦0的解相同,则a的值是 6.8*6.8+5分之21*6.8‐6.8 0.3分之x­­‐0.02分之0.17‐0.2x=1 急 英语翻译 若|a­‐4|﹢|b﹢1|﹦0,求1∕2a﹢3b的值 已知a‐b﹦2分之一,ab﹦8分之一求­‐2a的平方b的平方﹢ab的3次方﹢a的3次方b 高中英语选择题一道四14,O(∩_∩)O谢谢He put his hand ___ her mouth to stop her screaming.A onB inC aboveD over 普通塑料桶装水可以饮用吗? 塑料桶装水有害处吗 塑料桶装水怎样去味 桶装水盖用什么塑料做的?五加仑桶装水聪明盖,用再生料可以吗? There are ___ rainforests than before.A.more B.less C.fewer D.fewwhich____,the plane or the train?A.go more quickly B.goes more quickly C.goes more quicker go D.go more quick what are you doing?I'm ___ the school life.A.think over B.think obout C.thi 15.On each job he avoided _____ people know who he was.A.let B.to let C.be let D.letting 16.In Germany,_____ with France,friendship is much more clearly a matter of feeling.A.opposite B.in addition C.in contrast D.related 17.My love for you is not de 问几道英语选择题第1题 单选题 We all feel sorry for _____ for so long after your arrival.1.keep you waiting 2.having kept you waiting 3.waiting for you 4.keep you wait 第2题 单选题 The manager has his employees_____ a business report 问几道英语的选择题1.They had a lot of fun during all those summers ._______ sometimes 1.Ann could not swim in the water because she was sick.这里是用but还是however?2.__________ two weeks 1.later 2.late 3.afterlater能放在这里的句 1.It is not who is right,but what is right,__C__is of important.A which B it C that D this2._C_ I saw only wilderness,they saw abundant signs of life.A What B When C Where D whereas 1.Could you tell me ( —Sure.The day after tomorrowA.when will you leave for the USA B.when Mr.Lee will comeC.when your father returned2.Franklin told them all ( ) to be in Britain again.A.he was how happy B.how happy he wasC.how was he happy D.he w 1,THE boy_ name is li ming is my classmate.A.WHO B.WHOSE.C.WHICH.D.WHERE2.where_john_?a,han been has gone b.did go;went c.has gone;has been d.did been;went3.the weather in wuhan is hotter than_in beijing.a.it b,one c,无.d that.4.now mike is not here