
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 21:51:57
类似于科普的童话故事,不知道是什么名字里面人物化讲述了好多的科学知识,记得有一个成熟了会爆炸的果子,靠爆炸力传播种子,还有一个沙地里面,捕捉虫子,自己挖一个锥形的坑,后来我观察 Her eyes were fixed on her plate and in a short time,she was busy eating.这句话中的were fixed.怎样理解,是不是被动语态,要是被动语态,为什么不用was,而用were. 推荐一个关于励志方面的英文网名一方面为了学英语,另一方面想换个好听的英文名字 her eyes were fixed on her plate and in a short time,she was busy eating.为什么是were fixed呢?"I find it beautiful "I said."A man can never have too many ties" "And a woman cannot have too many hats "she answered.怎么会是“男人有多少 求推荐几个好听英语励志名字要男生的要男生的 求一个 青春的 向上的 励志的 小组名字【英文更好】谢啦 个性的英文网名,带注解 — 意思. 拜托各位帮帮忙!谢谢!初一数学题用方程解决问题某超市收银台前排队的顾客平均每小时为60人,每个收银员平均每小时能处理80个顾客.如果某时某刻,该超市只有一个收银员在工作,那么4小时 超市收银台怎么使用 科普事迹怎么写 1.My parents often tell me _____ (eat) some fruit.It's good for my health.2.All my classmates decided ______(do)something for animals in danger.3.Tony went to the library _____(return)a storybook.4.Don't make me _____ (do)this or that.I'm My friend,Jim (want)some fruit. My aunt often gives me some fruit as a treat.(改同义句)My anut often gives ___________ __________ __________some fruit ____________me. My parents often teach me ------(do)some housework说明为什么? 超市的收银台平均每小时有60名顾客前来排队付款,每一个收银台每小时能应对80名顾客付款.某天中午,超市只开设一个收银台,付款开始5小时后就没有顾客排队付款了.如果当时开设2个收银台, Wish you good luck in the new summer happy happy every day. we are looking forward to the Word Cup2010 A.visiting B.looking C.seeing D.watching 在孤独 寂寞 悲伤 兴奋时,最喜欢吟诵的名言是哪一句? 【初二英语填空】 1.The boy was()(frighten)by the()(frighten)movie.【初二英语填空】1.The boy was()(frighten)by the()(frighten)movie.2.The fishermen made a()(live)by fishing.3.He is elderly but st 求科普,这是传说中的. 这是什么生物.求科普! 这是什么生物啊,求科普~ 求科普,梅州五指石看到的、 求科普啊……看看是什么生物求科普……求科普! scary film scary movie 5什么时候出啊 不是 2011吗,是不是快了啊! scary movies是恐怖电影的意思吗? He is watching a scary movie ( ) TV括号中填什么? A picture is huang between the widows.A picture is hanging between the windows.区别? 怎样鉴定玉镯子的好坏?另外,玉是绿色的好还是白色的好? 什么色的玉是好玉镯 什么样的玉镯是好玉镯?如何看玉?