
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 11:30:11
精通英语,西班牙语,法语,可以从事什么样的工作?如题,不太清楚这方面,可以在什么机构工作?待遇如何?最好的待遇月薪为多少? 2009年英语四及格线是多少 Grace color what the quilt is 连词成句 你怎么突然想起来的 英文怎么说RT你怎么突然想起来的英文 what color is the quilt 怎么回答 一道英语选择题,很久以前的了,突然想起来有点纳闷.求解答~——Sorry,we can't provide much help for you.——__________,In fact,it's the most helpful.A.Thanks anyway B.Sure it was C.It doesn't matter D.逗小孩玩的弱 我突然什么都想不起来了.哪位老师知道这句话怎么翻译成英语? 至少你会偶然想起我,这句话用英语怎么说? 我想起来 英语怎样写 (1) The days we have been looking forward to ______ soon.(2) They have been looking forward to _____ to China soon.(3) These days we have been looking forward to _______ to visit you.A.coming B.will come C.came D.have come为什么 2.3题能选A 第 做实验用英怎么说 (-5分之3)乘以(10-3分之5-6分之25)答案好像是负2分之5~要简便计算~ 这句话为什么you 后面不加have,是一句话不能用两个动词的原因吧.那改成这样:I wish you that have a very pleasant journey home. OK? I wish you a very pleasant journey home.还有这句话是什么句型.好像直接翻译 If you decide to take __ train to Beijing,you may have quite a pleasant journey,but make sureyou get __ fast one.A.a;a B.the;a C./;a D.a;/ Tom was (doing his homework)at 6:30 pm yesterday(对括号内部分提问)应该怎么改—was Tom—at 6:30 pm yesterday beganning doing sth和began to do sth 有什么区别?虽然我没有悬赏分,可还是希望大家能帮助我,不对,应该是非常感谢! 求空着的这道列式计算.谢谢好心人的帮助!(顺便帮忙检查一下题) 一道数学题,不知道怎么解答这道题,有哪位好心人来帮助一下我?甲乙两人同时从A地到B地,甲每小时走6000米,乙第一小时走1000米,第二小时走2000米,第三小时走3000米……,多少小时后乙才能追上 给一篇长一点的英语作文关于礼物的 英语翻译 In the past few years China has experienced an alarming increase in teenage smoking. 计算机组成原理问题,负数的补码的移位运算时为什么左移补0而右移补1呢, 一道计算机组成原理题在异步传输系统中,字符格式为:1个起始位、8个数据位、1个校验位、2个终止位.若要求传输120个字符,求传送的波特率和比特率 一道计算机组成原理的题若DAT1和DAT2都是内存单元的地址,指出下列程序的功能,并加上注解.MOV AL,O :LEA AI,DATl+14:LEA BX,DAT2+14:MOV CX,15 :LP:MOV AL,[SI] :MOV [BX],AL :DEC SI :DEC BX :LOOP LP : 计算机组成原理的一道题题目如下图,为什么(e,f,h)和(b,i,j)对于任何一条微指令都是相斥性微操作啊(即不可能在同一CPU周期中同时发生这些操作),.麻烦说的清楚点. We have been looking forward to the day when the motorcar is replaced by some less dangerous of transport.A.means B.methods C.manners D.ways 修改病句:The day we have been looking forward to coming finally 英语翻译it's commonly held that people made what they could of themselves,given their abilities.人们普遍认为,澳大利亚人民各尽其才,充分显示自己的能力.求这里的given用法的解释. 英语翻译请用大白话翻译一遍. 英语翻译 look into the past for answers to present problems 英语 难道他不聪明可爱吗?怎么翻译 各位可爱又聪明的英语大虾们~快来帮帮我把……1.the cables are connected to a power station.2.can you buy some tea?3.no one can sing Enlish songs here.4.tom is very clever,but he is too lazy.5.what is electricity?can you tell me?同 什么英文单词是聪明又可爱的,还是s开头的