
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 02:38:39
恐龙是怎么灭绝的?科学家又是怎么发现的? Mrs.yellow didn't say anything at the meeting.Mrs.yellow_ _at the meeting. Mrs.Green isn't going to do the shopping this afternoon(用often和in the afternoon改写)Mrs.Green ___ ___ ___ __ __ in the afternoon. 恐龙是科学家怎么想出来的?科学家怎么知道他叫恐龙的?在说他怎么知道 恐龙走路 什么都是那样的呢? 为什么至今为止科学家还没有发现恐龙为什么灭绝?我很好奇. 科学家对恐龙做了哪些研究啊?说具体点啊! is this the reason why he didn't say anything at the meeting拆分成两个单句 果园里有梨树25颗桃树的棵树是梨树的3/5又是李树的3/4李树有几颗 一个粗糙的斜面放在粗糙的水平面上,一个小物块以初速度v滑上斜面.求斜面的受力情况 一个物体以一定的初速度沿足够长的粗糙斜面由底端向上滑动,经过一段时间物体又返回到斜面底端.下列各图中,能正确表示该物体运动过程中速度v随时间t变化关系的图线是 用盐酸洗铂丝时 ,盐酸是浓盐酸还是稀盐酸?为什么? 说说“相形见绌”的意思快 相形见绌整体完整的意思. 相形见绌什么意思,要标准的 He likes some stories than others 是 He can tell the kids some interesting stories.改为一般疑问句 1The wounded soldier said he felt like-------A.dying B.die C.to die D.died2.He-----stay up late but now he ----getting up earlyA. is uesd to;used to B.was used to;used to C.used to ;is used to3.which of the following sentences is not rightA.I'd prefe The things in the shop were expensive.(就划线部分提问) 线画在expensive上. 连词成句 things,the,in,shop,were,the,didn't,expensi连词成句 things,the,in,shop,were,the,didn't,expensive,buy,so,that,i,anything The things in the shop are expensive There were many different watches in the shop,but I didn't buy _____A,one B,it C,ones D,the one 请问:一亩地能养多少泥鳅? playground是虾米意思? 请问“菲”字的英文怎么写?(深圳) 中午名叫予菲'英文名叫什么'英文名最好能和"予菲"的中午发音有联系. 【老友记】this may be pushing it a littleChandler生气叫Rachael不要东选西选的,叫她马上换好衣服,结果Rachael 穿了件睡衣似的出来= = ,Chandler就说了一句:I know it says "black tie optional",but this may be pushing i 用a little造句,句型如此:There is a little juice.造两句,急. 砀山 是什么地方啊交通怎么样啊 砀山有山吗 我听别人说没有山 为什么叫 砀山啊 我的分全加了 little puppy.的读法 美音的 一亩地能养多少泥鳅 讲有关healthy food or unhealthy food的小学英语课用什么主题好?创设什么情境比较好?请问你们有没有这方面的英语动画歌谣?举例是必要的。我很想想设计得新颖一点。毕竟是比赛。 (keen)Touch your ____,please.把括号内的字母重新排列成单词,是句子意思完整.