
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 22:44:25
You will take your ball? 我的车站英文怎么拼写? 翻译成英文:通向车站的路 昆明少儿英语教学质量哪家好?该怎么办? 其中有一处错误 找出来并改正:I'm not feeling well.I have a lot of headache. 根据句意及汉语提示,填写句中所缺的单词1.My brother ia an (用脑筋的)student2.We must be (镇静的)before danger3.Tom is as (体格健壮的)as jim4.I told him the(全部的)story yesterday 初二英语根据句意填单词1.The teacher was a________ in the room when I arrived.2.Allthis year's new m________ are at the car show.3.Columbus d________ America.4.Many people are worried about the pollution of the e________5.He wanted to keep 这是什么东西有什么作用? 这是什么东西什么作用? There is going to be a football match tomorrow.(用last night改写) 用以下英文填空:feel ,wants ,doing ,shopping ,doesn't ,comes ,Are,have,goes,waits ,Linda ( ) to the store with Mike.But Mike ( ) like togo ( ).So Linda does the shopping and Mike takes a sit and ( ) for Linda.But a hour passes by,Linda doesn; he has a headache Q:does he have a headache Q:What does he have?N:he doesn't have a headache.是不是疑问句和否定就要用have,肯定句就用has? come to my office.为什么要加to feel ,wants ,doing ,shopping ,doesn't ,comes ,Are,have,goes,waits ,Linda ( ) to the store with Mike.But Mike ( ) like togo ( ).So Linda does the shopping and Mike takes a sit and ( ) for Linda.But a hour passes by,Linda doesn;t come out.Mike doesn't( 昆明少儿英语班有那个适合四岁娃娃上的吗? tomorrow前动词用什么形式 Please( )your story books here tomorrow.(bring) Please remember (bring) your pictures here tomorrow.适当形式 请问有没有特别安静、平静的英文歌 例如same side of the moon... 细胞,组织,器官属于什么关系? 红光和蓝光的混合是什么色 红光与蓝光混和在一起,是什么颜色 昆明欧文少儿英语价格高不高? 昆明欧文英语评价怎么样? 它是小的.是绿色的.它的嘴巴是大的.它能跳和游泳.它喜欢昆虫.它是什么 读句子,联系向往奥运这篇课文理解着些句子(1)体育不仅仅是体育,它以自身特殊的魅力影响着一切.(2)竞技体育是面对世界所存在的种种强权,种族歧视和金钱掩盖下的不公平的一种抗争,一种 LI Lei cleaned his room yesterday改为一般疑问句 肯定回答 否定回答 否定句 Jim cleaned his room yesterday一般疑问句一般疑问句哟 Jim cleaned his room yesterday的中文 he cleaned his room yesterday(用at this time改写句子) 有关于昆虫的谜语 请问关于蝈蝈和其他昆虫的谜语大虾们,帮帮小弟吧! 谜语(一种昆虫)三妹一身黄衣裳,腰儿细来腿儿长;飞到田里捉害虫;尾巴毒针赛刀枪.